View Full Version : I need help!!!

04-06-18, 06:38
Hey guys I have really been struggling with anxiety and it seems like the only thing that can get me through a day is a Xanax. I have started to worry now about taking those also because I am worried I will develop an addiction to them. I am taking 0.5 mg of Xanax almost every day. Do I have to worry about becoming addicted to these pills at such a low dose? It's the only thing that helps me get through my day. My shrink has prescribed Paxil which I will start tomorrow. I am so worried here. Please help me.

04-06-18, 10:28
When you feel the need to take one, why not say to yourself that you'll just wait an extra ten minutes. Then the following week wait an extra twenty minutes etc.

I think the need to take a Xanax (or any fast acting crutch medication) is as much placebo as it is actual chemical reaction. That's not to say there isn't an actual effect, just that the act of taking it will calm you down before the medication can actually do anything.

Resisting the temptation just a little bit will help you feel in control.

It's difficult to assess the risk of addiction, especially with stimulus/response pills. Your dose is low though, so I wouldn't worry about it right now. So low in fact that it can't be doing that much.....hence the placebo reaction.

04-06-18, 15:59
Hi daniels,
ankietyjoe has given good advice about trying to delay taking Xanax each time.

Although 0.5mg is a relatively low dose, Xanax is addictive if you take it regularly over a long period, which your doc should not be letting you. Being a fast-acting and short half-life benzo, I personally don't like the feelings of ups and downs from Xanax.

If your anxiety is "continuous", then discuss with your doc about switching to clonazepam or diazepam. It's good that you are starting Paxil, which is an SSRI, not a benzo. However, SSRIs take some weeks to work and have initial side effects, so it is not uncommon to take a benzo as you start (I take clonazepam).

04-06-18, 18:23
I literally feel like I am losing control of myself if I don't take the xanax. My anxiety is at constant peak all day long. I am hoping the Paxil really helps me out soon. I know I have time to wait for that to work. I just need to be patient and let the Paxil do its thing.

05-06-18, 08:36
Paxil was the first anti depressant I ever took. It was life changing for me. Despite the horror stories I had no memorable side effects or problems coming off. Good luck on your Paxil journey.

Tommo x

08-06-18, 12:05
Thanks for the words of encouragement Tommo. I started the paxil 4 days ago. I haven’t had a major panic attack since. I have felt strange at times but its different now. Whenever I start to panic its like the paxil grabs a hold of it and setttles it down. Almost like it wraps a blanket around me and says don’t worry eveything is going to be ok. I am only taking a 5mg dose for the first week and I will move up to 10mg next week. Im hoping the dose increase wont effect me too much. My only side effect ride now is that i am having trouble sleeping. I sleep 2-4 hours and its on and off.