View Full Version : So scared, can anybody relate?

04-06-18, 13:57
For the past 3 months i have been experiencing headaches, mostly on the left side, just behind the ear, sometimes they move to the front of my head. It is mostly a dull pain but sometimes i get darts of sharp pain in different places all over my head. I had something similar last year but it went away. The pain isn't there constantly, it is mostly in the morning when i wake up and then in the evening before i go to bed.

I went to the doctor three times and he looked into my eyes and told me it was nothing to worry about and it was most likely tension headaches, i also told my psychiatrist about my symptoms and she also said it sounds like tension caused by anxiety, but over the past few weeks i have developed other symptoms. My left eye keeps twitching, when i lie down i get a ringing sound in my left ear, my neck is very tight and hurts, and my left arm also aches and goes tingly. I know all my symptoms are those of a brain tumor and i am absolutely terrified, i can't stop thinking about it and it's making me so anxious.

A few things to note, i also have post nasal drip so not sure if this could be related to some sort of sinus issue? I also have terrible posture, with having an anxiety disorder and agoraphobia i don't go out very much which leads to me sitting at home in the same position all day. Maybe i'm just hoping either of these could be causing the problem to take away the fear of a brain tumor.

Has anybody experienced anything similar? any help would be appreciated, thanks :)

04-06-18, 15:21
Hey! I have horrible posture too and that leads to many of my headaches. I watched a YouTube video to help me stretch my traps and the guys explained that for every inch we slump forward it’s more weight added to an already 10-12 pound head. Three inches would be equal to 42 pounds! So first, try stretching. It’s calming and will help relieve some pressure. Then maybe try EFT tapping for health anxiety-excellent videos on YouTube. I felt silly at first but it’s self love and calming on acupressure points. It’s my go to. I mean-I’ve had panic episodes in the middle of the night and I tap through them.
I also have headaches-my doctor believes is PCOS and sinus related. My CT was clear in 2013-2014 when I was being checked for sinus issues, they only found a deviated septum. I have fluid in my ears from my allergies, it’s like a constant symptom. I hear my ears pop sometimes when I swallow. I use Flonase over the counter nasal spray to help dry it up. I also take xyzal for seasonal allergies. That helps the headaches. Other items I use for sinus and allergy issues are a himilayan salt lamp in my room (5-10 pounds on amazon-make sure it’s certified) and an air purifier with UV. I have bad allergies by skin test since pregnancy, so I tried the non medication route and liked those and hen had to add the seasonal meds.
Also, stress in your jaw can relate to headache. Try to be mindful of the clinching and relax your jaw. That’s a big one!
I hope that helps.

04-06-18, 18:50
I know all my symptoms are those of a brain tumor and i am absolutely terrified, i can't stop thinking about it and it's making me so terrified

Your doctor and psychiatrist have said it's tension. You're posting on a health anxiety forum. What did that tell you?

All of your symptoms can be caused by anxiety. If you'd had a brain tumour for over 3 months, you'd know about it. None of your symptoms are consistent with one. Trust me, I've seen one first hand, and it's nothing like what you're experiencing