View Full Version : Im afraid that my constant fears are making docs dismissive about things that are rea

04-06-18, 18:38
Im really afraid that I have some kind of problem w my hearth and that its getting worse. I have randomly had some light chest pain for sometime that would come and go and now for 24+h there is this pain under my left breast that is pretty constant and very localized. For months I feel dizzy and lightheaded, even kinda started getting used to it. Sharp headache sometimes as well. My HR is way up (100+) *all* the time.
Im 22y f. My mom is a doc and quite tired of listening to my complains. Only have access to crapy medical care...but my question is
Do you think these symptoms are caused by anxiety? I dont feel as anxious as I used to.
Should i see a doc? And if so is it an emergency?

I feel like an idiot for being this worried all the time but sometimes im really really scared that im about to die ans this is lowering my quality of life.

04-06-18, 19:26
Hi Lets be clear on this you aren't a idiot :) And yes I do think it anxiety (Health Anxiety) related! So your mum is dr, so what does she think it is and is she prepared to get you some help for your HA?Treat this and the symptoms will fade away. ATB