View Full Version : Severe Hypocondriac at your service

05-06-18, 09:12
Hello there. 27 female who goes to the emergency room more than she would like to admit. Just joined because I’ve been having a super irrational fear of rabies for the past two days and couldn’t seem to shake it..
Helps to know there are others like me..
I wish I could give all of you the biggest hug in the world.
You’re not alone <3
Oh also my name is little shaker because when I go full panic I shake like a little
Chihuahua haha

05-06-18, 09:18
Hiya Littleshaker and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

12-06-18, 14:00
Good Morning Littleshaker

Don't worry Chihuahuas are kind of cute when they shake. Welcome, I believe you will find the support you need here at NMP. Health anxiety is a messy thing, for one it makes for a miserable life, it cost money, and it can be embarrassing, believe me I know.

As I often mention, I suggest looking to cognitive therapy instead of just physical therapy, also explore trying mediation to easy some of the stresses with your anxiety. You'll find a lot of helps here at NMP and a community of individuals that know exactly what you are going through. Best to you Littleshaker on your journey.

12-06-18, 19:50
Hello & welcome. Hope you find some help here

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

16-06-18, 20:28
Hi and welcome! :)
I’m a newbie too, I also had a rabies scare once. I got bitten by a stray dog in Turkey while on holiday. I didn’t go to see a doctor because i didn’t know about rabies at all (dumb,huh?). Then my mother-in-law insisted i went to see a doc. I went online instead and did some research on rabies. Well, i shouldn’t have. By the time got to the doctor’s i was convinced that i was gonna die soon. It didn’t help that my gp was an alcoholic who had no idea what she was doing. She started panicking that it was too late for me and i was gonna die or suffer all kinds of organ failure (please don’t get scared at this point, it gets better). I was in a state of shock, ready ti write my will when she referred me to a surgeon. The surgeon reassured me straight away that this was nothing, gave me an injection, and referred me on to the next doctor for the rabies vaccines. The lady was even nicer. She told me that there was no way i was gonna die of this! It’s almost impossible to die of rabies because it’ s only considered too late when the patient develops central nervous system symptoms. But that’s the last step, people get lots of other kinds of symptoms much earlier which make them seek help way earlier, so they get treated before the nervous symptoms even have a chnace to develop. When i asked her specifically if it had been a big mistake not to seek help immediately, she told me that the worst thing that can happen is that you need to get a bigger dose of vaccine within a shorter period of time but even that only applies if you don’t seek help in the first 3 weeks :) That definitely reassured me! I guess the bottom line is, even if you do get bitten it’s just a minor nuisance, it’s extremely rare for anything serious to happen. In Hungary the last death from rabies happened 25 years ago!
If course, i don’t know your reason for being scared of rabies, but i thought maybe you would find my story reassuring :)

17-06-18, 05:23
Hello, I am sorry you find yourself shaking so much, I hope you interrupt the awful attacks with a cosy blanket to wrap around yourself and a nice cup of hot chocolate to focus on and not spill too much of! Why is the fear of rabies an irrational one, there must be some piece of information or symptom which sparked it off? I find many of my worrying bouts are fueled by logical chains but they break down somewhere along the way.