View Full Version : Vision changed color for a second

05-06-18, 09:45
23 m health anxious here. Yesterday when I was talking with my girlfriend, I was standing in my room, facing a window. Suddenly, my whole vision flashed, like everything changed color for a second, like I was wearing blue tinted sunglasses. When I looked through the window( I live on the first floor), I saw that a car is parking just in front of my window(there's a parking there). I told my girlfriend what happened and she said that the sun probably reflected from the car and that caused it. However, when I recall the previous occurences of sun flashing my eyes, either from reflecting of cars or watches, I'm pretty sure I got blinded and squinted my eyes, not had my vision tint blue for a second. It's been normal after that. Never had any vision problems. Should I worry or am I overreacting and my girlfriend is right? I'm worried about a brain tumor the most, but as I can see, the vision changes connected with brain tumor are double vision, loss of peripheral vision, vision loss. As much as I googled I couldn't find any disease with such a symptom, so could've that really been the sun reflecting into my eyes? Sorry for being so paranoid, I just need reassurance

05-06-18, 10:02
That will be all it is, we are hyper sensitive, if the lights dim in a room I think I'm about to have a seizure.
I've never had a seizure in my life so it makes absolutely no sense, we are just sensitive!!

05-06-18, 11:31
I found this on Wikipedia page of Glare:
Glare can reduce visibility by:

reduction of brightness of the rest of the scene by constriction of the pupils
reduction in contrast of the rest of the scene by scattering of the bright light within the eye.

That's reassuring, because I really for a second felt like brightness/contrast was reduced. Guess the sun just unfortunately reflected from the car into my eyes and that causedy anxiety