View Full Version : I just want to stop worrying

05-06-18, 16:29
I have visited this forum many times but this is my first post here. I am a 60 yr old woman. I thought that maybe putting it into words would help me see that I am probably overthinking things and catastrophising. I think I have always been a stressful person but can hide it well. I am on high blood pressure medication prescribed to me after I had 3 high readings. I have white coat syndrome and can feel my BP going up as soon as they attach that machine to me! If I feel a pain anywhere I think either cancer or heart attack.etc., I have been to the Dr with breast pain a couple of times in the years gone past and all was fine. I have been with pain in my sides and had a stomach scan and all was fine. I am the sort of person who when going on a journey, needs to know that there will be toilets nearby if I had to pee. I have never been bothered with having any bowel problems when out until recently. I was on a short flight home in early March and it was my first time flying alone. The plane was delayed for 2 hours and we had to sit on it and just wait. By the time the flight eventually took off and landed I had stomach cramps and once off the plane I had to rush to the toilet with diarrhoea. Then about 3 weeks ago I was out walking with a friend and I had stomach cramps and had to rush home to get to the bathroom. I had been feeling fine that day and didn't feel stressed at all. Now I think this has all left me anxious. This morning I had what I think was diarrhoea but not any bad cramps so maybe it was just a loose bowel movement. I do have a dull ache at the bottom of my back at times. Yesterday I did have too much sugar I think. I ate a packet of yoghurt coated peanuts and raisins and 3 small chocolate bars. I do have a bowel prolapse, into the vagina and I have to keep my bowels regular. (result of my big babies all those years ago) I take chia seeds with my breakfast in the mornings. Not that many as too many would I think give me cramps. I also take a big cup of coffee in the morning to help me have a bowel movement. Maybe I am just overstimulating my bowels! I am hoping its just me being too anxious and not something sinister like stomach cancer or bowel cancer. I did the bowel cancer test last Sept and it came out clear. I just want to stop worrying about my health all the time and enjoy living.
Thanks for listening.

05-06-18, 16:35
Hiya AnnieK and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

05-06-18, 16:58
Thank you Emmz! :D