View Full Version : can we do it

jude uk
25-07-07, 11:24
sorry about the bob the builder theme at the start

I keep coming back to the idea of what is the worst that can happen to us during a panic attack?
If we think about how many panic attacks we have had and how many times we have avoided social situations because of the panic attacks, we see that the panics feed on the fear.

Oh I know what its like not to be able to even walk 100 yards without a feeling of doom but guess what...I am still here and no sign of that doom:yesyes:

I think when I got to the point where I JUST DID NOT GIVE A F**k the attacks started to lose their power.

Are we going to come on this site day after day week after week month after month and still be the same?

If thats the case then

1/ We are not reading the info the site contains and believe me its dam good info
2/ We have lived with the fear for so long that we dont believe we can get better..well again thats a lie because we where not always like this and it took us time to become full of fear.

I am not any better or stronger or more intelligent than anyone else on this site....But what I see is that we become slaves to those fears and those fears become our lives.
Everyday I took a little step and somedays I was in so much fear that I thought I was about to die any second but again here I am alive, well I am sure some of my friends would disagree lol

My big fear is dying......wow goes hand in hand with panic attacks:) but thats the worst thing that can happen....At the end of the day we are gonna die at some point....There are things we have no choice over. But we can prevent our lives from becoming one living nightmare.

If I make a fool of myself why out shopping so what?
If I suddenly pull out a paper bag and breathe into it , so what if people stare

If I cant drive great distences, so what, maybe next month I'll drive a bit more.

Its about taking the steps that you are comfortable with and also just pushing yourself a little bit more....Ok so you rush back to your safe place but next time, oh and there will be many next times.

Yea next time you dont rush back you walk and you take control of those panic attacks and you tell them that they have no dam place in your life.

Yea brave words but I have been in some rough places

I wish each one of us better mental health and remember we are not weak but we are strong...Could your best pal walk in your shoes.. or your partner?

Truly BIG HUGS to each one of you

25-07-07, 21:08

I agree with all you say - it is something we can all do - we just have to keep doing it over and over and in time it becomes easier.

Thanks for sharing.

29-07-07, 12:09
I too agree ......
But anxiety is very clever.....you forget its panic if you go for sometime. And you become overwheled at the feelings again! It has a funny way of disguising itself and boom you have a panic attack:ohmy:
But short term yes,.....if you keep on then yes, eventually it will subside!


29-07-07, 12:44

Love Piglet :flowers:

29-07-07, 15:35
Abso-flippin'-lutely !!

I wasn't even aware that I was an anxious/pancik-prone person until I first got very ill with it 18mnths ago !!

Now, I can almost say I'm glad I got ill because it brought things to the surface that have needed dealing with for years (and I'm still working on!) - almost all my adult life.

I am now a what-you-see-is-what-you-get person and my only concern with that is that I don't want to go too much the other way and become ruthlessly 'so what' ...if you see what I mean!

My philosphy now is:

' deal with what I can, when I can and don't even think about if I can! '

Thanks judeswan!


29-07-07, 22:27
Judeswan, agree with all you say. Also agree that the times you just say, I really don't care what happens today, I'm just going to do it anyway, the fear subsides. But, it can depend on what frame of mind you are in that day. And CELO, I also agree with you, anxiety, once it knows it's been rumbled, finds a sneaky way of attacking you another way, sometimes in a different disguise. But, if we keep on going, keep on doing things despite it, eventually it will give up - I totally believe that - might take months or years, but it will stop - because eventually we will realise that no matter what, we will be able to deal with it & that is when panic & anxiety will lose it' s hold over us.

30-07-07, 18:03
What a fantastic positive post Judeswan! :yesyes:

GG I love your philosophy too. :)

Every journey starts with a small step as they say.

30-07-07, 18:43
very inspirational words thanks for sharing :)