View Full Version : Sleep

05-06-18, 20:03
Apologies if I’m posting in the wrong place, I’m just looking for a bit of advice. I’m doing exams right now and although I don’t feel like the stress is getting to me during the day, it is when I try to fall asleep that I just panic. My heart rate goes through the roof and I sweat and feel scared and it’s just horrible. I lie there trying to fall asleep for hours knowing fine well that I have to get up incredibly early to sit exams which I can’t mess up.
Not sure what I’m looking for, maybe reassurance that this is just anxiety and not some sign I’m dying like my hypochondriac mind is making me think. Just wondering if anyone has experienced something similar and if so, how did you deal with it? thanks

05-06-18, 20:51
Not being able to sleep is the worst [emoji22]. I don’t often have trouble falling to sleep, but if I wake up in the night I can often lay awake for hours.

These are things that help me:

I take a bath before bed. Baths are lovely & relaxing for me.

I read a book, or listen to an audiobook. Audiobooks always seem to send me straight to sleep, I think it’s the act of concentration.

I play a simple (silent) repetitive game on my phone.

I’m my head I think of an animal or food item for every letter of the alphabet.

I plan what I’m going to wear the next day (this one nearly always works, I must just bore myself to sleep!)

I listen to breathing and relaxation exercises on YouTube.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-06-18, 21:09
This is one of the sticky threads in the forum about sleep:

05-06-18, 21:17
thank you both- that’s super helpful! sorry didn’t see other thread before, im still getting used to using the forum