View Full Version : Mixing words up when typing and speaking ... anyone else

06-06-18, 01:04
So I'm fairly anxiety-free right now but for the past week I've noticed I've been putting the wrong word in when I'm typing.
I"ll say ... 'Let me know if this words for you.' - instead of 'let me know if this works for you' - I've been doing it heaps even when I try and be really considered about it.
It's not new for me to do this but I'm doing it a lot more and even talking I get my words jumbled up and they come out weird.
My daughter's name is Hunter and I"ll called her Hunna or Hannah, people laugh at me because I get words wrong and my family are noticing.
Should I go to the DR you think and find out about this?
I'd be very surprised if I wrote this clearly without a wrong word in it as well!
I'm worried but should I be?

Anyone else get this?

---------- Post added at 00:04 ---------- Previous post was at 00:02 ----------

My daughter's name is Hunter and I"ll called her Hunna or Hannah, people laugh at me because I get words wrong and my family are noticing.

Anyone else get this?

I did it here SEE!
'I said I CALLED Her Hunna' - it should read 'I CALL her Hunna!'

06-06-18, 02:58
Cognitive issues are affected by mental health conditions like ours. Those neurotransmitters are working a bit different to the non anxious after all.

I have had plenty of issues like this. I can often type up what seems like a perfectly spelt or worded post to come back to it later and wonder how I missed basic mistakes.

Forget names, walk into rooms and wonder why, remember to do something important then walk upstairs and have totally forgot about it, even walked out of a supermarket without paying once when a woman behind me distracted me at the self service asking about something I bought, walked across roads without thinking on bad brain fog days, etc.

And a lot of our typing seems to be fairly automated anyway.

06-06-18, 03:24
I've always wondered the same thing - getting my speech wrong would be worry-inducing for me normally but I get less worried when I notice my typed words are just as bad....

06-06-18, 22:26
Hi Tan,

I deal with a similar problem. I mess up my typing all the time. I am constantly having to go back and fix words because I will mess up the order that which they are supposed to go. Lets say I need to spell gloves, I will spell it gloevs.

I think it is just our anxiety that causes this in is us, and I do not think it is anything sinister.

Any way, I just wanted to say you are not alone.

07-06-18, 11:20
Thanks Guys, it seems to have past!? So weird, and when it happens I get brain fog as well and just can't seem to do anything. I was diagnosed as having ADD by my Dr but I'm pretty sure if anyone were to take the ADD test they would find they had it... but maybe it's related, my brain goes into overdrive. I haven't slurred my words or gotten anything mixed up in two days now so I'm guessing it's nothing major ... just damn HA again... and again ... and again ... and again.....