View Full Version : Could I have Pudendal Neuralgia?

06-06-18, 09:07
Hi, so since maybe January or February 2017, I've randomly suddenly began to get sizzling burning sensations in my sitting bones when I'm in a car (not always, maybe 50% of the time? It hasn't gotten worse or better I think). It goes away instantly if I stand up but while I'm sitting, not much movement or leaning will ever help it. I very very rarely get this while sitting on hard chairs too but I think that's only happened 2 or 3 times. Anyway.. these symptoms developed during my fear of pundendal neuralgia with a ton of other symptoms which turned out to be anxiety related and has since gone away.

But this burning thing is still here so I think it's real? And just these past 2 weeks I've been having a feeling of needing to pee/still fluid in my urethra that doesn't come out almost every time I pee. I also keep getting back pain this week too, sometimes lower. Then yesterday I felt a quick sharp pain in my right sitting bone whenever I moved too quickly, this morning it just aches very lightly everytime I focus on it and I also feel coldness all around it. (I also feel sizzling but I think that's just my anxiety) I'm really scared that I've had pundendal neuralgia all this time and it's finally progressing?? I would believe I just have a UTI with the pee symptoms but everything else is scaring me. :( Has anyone been in a simlair situation?

06-06-18, 10:07
Hi, so since maybe January or February 2017, I've randomly suddenly began to get sizzling burning sensations in my sitting bones when I'm in a car (not always, maybe 50% of the time? It hasn't gotten worse or better I think). It goes away instantly if I stand up but while I'm sitting, not much movement or leaning will ever help it. I very very rarely get this while sitting on hard chairs too but I think that's only happened 2 or 3 times. Anyway.. these symptoms developed during my fear of pundendal neuralgia with a ton of other symptoms which turned out to be anxiety related and has since gone away.

But this burning thing is still here so I think it's real? And just these past 2 weeks I've been having a feeling of needing to pee/still fluid in my urethra that doesn't come out almost every time I pee. I also keep getting back pain this week too, sometimes lower. Then yesterday I felt a quick sharp pain in my right sitting bone whenever I moved too quickly, this morning it just aches very lightly everytime I focus on it and I also feel coldness all around it. (I also feel sizzling but I think that's just my anxiety) I'm really scared that I've had pundendal neuralgia all this time and it's finally progressing?? I would believe I just have a UTI with the pee symptoms but everything else is scaring me. :( Has anyone been in a simlair situation?

How did you get the idea that you might have such a rare and weird affliction?

06-06-18, 12:26
How did you get the idea that you might have such a rare and weird affliction?

Never heard of it before so I'll give you one guess :whistles:

Positive thoughts

06-06-18, 13:41
Because these are Pudendal Neuralgia symptoms? If I Google any of these things, especially the sizzling symptoms, that's the only thing that comes up so how can I not think it's that? :shrug: If I had symptoms of another condition I would assume I have that too, that's health anxiety lol.

06-06-18, 14:31
What is a sitting bone ?

Why not pop to the doctor's with a wee sample and see if you have some sort of infection going on

06-06-18, 15:07
If I Google


Positive thoughts

06-06-18, 16:21
@nomorepanic haha I don't know a professional word for it sorry lol! Basically my right butt/leg bone, the one you usually feel when you sit. That's where the pundendal nerve is too from what I researched.
I may do! I just don't like bothering my doctor all the time with my health anxieties haha :/ Thanks for commenting by the way!

06-06-18, 16:40
Everyone's ass goes to sleep if they sit in one position for a long time. That's why you get up and walk around. Stop trying to pathologise normal

06-06-18, 16:47
It's not falling asleep it really just feels like it's burning badly. Also am I posting in the right place? For anxiety about health?

06-06-18, 17:09
It's not falling asleep it really just feels like it's burning badly. Also am I posting in the right place? For anxiety about health?

You are but your thoughts and conclusions based on an internet search engine are being challenged. No one can tell you for sure if you have some rare nerve issue. That's for a medical professional to diagnose.

Whenever I see some correctly spelled rare medical condition posted, it's obvious how the conclusion was made :whistles:

While I'm not one for paid reassurance, if you're in that much distress, see you doctor. The "Told ya so Gang" will be on standby ;)

Positive thoughts

06-06-18, 18:23
This seems like a case where the OP googled a sensation. 24/25 of the possible causes are completely innocent and benign, yet they immediately honed in on the rarest and most serious of the results. HA at its finest.

07-06-18, 10:02
I think you’re all being a little harsh here. Pudendal neuralgia isn’t that uncommon - it also isn’t particularly serious. It could be pudendal neuralgia but even if it is it isn’t a cause for undue worry OP. I would see your GP to rule out an infection but as for the other symptoms - unless it’s persistent & particularly distrsssing I would guess that at the most a nerve is being squashed when you sit. Are you male or female? A pelvic floor/woman’s health physio may be able to help.

12-06-18, 01:37
Thank you emc :) just your understanding has made me feel alot better about it. When you Google something like "sizzling sensations while sitting" pundendal neuralgia is all over the first page sadly. I'm feeling alot better about the pundendal fear lately anyway despite having the same symptoms still. Maybe I tense in a nerve irritating kind of way when I sit in the car. At the minute though my anxiety is going off the roof about another pain I'm getting which could be related to withdrawing from antidpressants too quickly. (Its only been 3 weeks since I got to 0) but I'm finally seeing a doctor either today (Tuesday) or tomorrow!
Anyway thank you so much again! Sorry for the late reply, I wasn't planning to check here again as I thought I was getting trolled tbh lol
Take care!

17-08-18, 17:08
I thought I should update this post because maybe one day it'll have a success story at the end which would be good to help others. :)

I'm still getting the feeling of fluid in my urethra which comes on like a twingy-kind-of thing (like fluid is suddenly pushing down) after I pee. Since it's started though it's gone away for a few days sometimes which is awesome and reassuring. :) I still get very slow/weak urine stream though but I think that's a common anxiety symptom. Recently I stopped getting the feeling like free fluid was moving around my whole pelvic floor and vagina after I pee aswell (lasts about 5 minutes while walking around). The bladder/pubic bone pain is gone too although I did get a bit recently but I'm not worried about it anymore. I don't believe I have IC anymore and somewhat don't believe I have any nerve problems (that's what I'm working on anxiety and belief-wise at the moment!)

The past 2 days I've been getting quite bad stinging, like a dry, burnish kind of stinging (like thrush I think) in my urethra and clit, it has been worrying me a lot and also distracting when I'm trying to focus on other things but my anxiety has been way more stable now so I feel I'm able to cope with it better than when I had only just come off the ADs. I've felt tingling and heaviness for the past 3 days too like arousal (and my biggest fear is PGAD) so that with the stinging and fluid thing, if it's related, are the worst things now. I've been referred to Open Minds and a psychologist so I hope I can see them soon. I did see a private ubgyn but it cost £120 for 10 minutes and she didn't listen to all of my symptoms or even suggest anything except when she saw I had excessive discharge (another symptom I've been getting since just over a month) she just mumbled something like "could be hormones". I wish I knew what hormones she meant since I'm afraid of anything hormonal related that could cause PGAD.

She told me to come back in October where she'll do a urine sample test for £50! So I think I might cancel lol, I'd rather ask the doctor to refer me for an NHS scan or specialist (whatever he suggests really) instead if he thinks I need one. I've already had a ton of urine and blood samples so I find it a bit annoying and money wasting to go back just for another one. I'm just glad my anxiety and stability is getting better as time goes on, I don't think I could have coped with these new symptoms when I first came off ADs! :) Someone here said about urethral syndrome although I don't know anything about it and have learnt not to Google anymore lol. :) I'm just mostly worried about the PGAD/vulvonydia that AD withdrawal causes because everything else I've sort of reassured myself of already (PN, IC, etc). But sadly with post-withdrawal-syndrome (or whatever it's called, I read about it on survivingantidepressants) there's not really any tests for it so annoyingly the possibility of it being that will always be at be at the back of my mind. :(

Anyway so sorry for the super long post! Hope I can find someone who maybe had the same thing and it went away for them. In the mean time I'm reading a lot about TMS, trying to get out more and live life and it's really helping the anxiety and depression! :)

17-08-18, 17:29
I have learned about more super rare conditions coming to this site than I would if I had gone to medical school I think.

I urge you to consider the old adage that makes its way through here about "hearing hooves and thinking "zebras"." We always jump to the rarest, weirdest, and often most dangerous conclusion imaginable, mostly thanks to google. While I am no doctor, I imagine there are countless reasons for the sensation you are feeling.

17-08-18, 22:49
Haha I think that too sometimes. Thanks I haven't heard that expression before but yeah we do, anxiety is so irrational even though it seems perfectly rational to the person with the anxiety. And I'm sure there is too, guess I just gotta hope for the best before I find out. :)
Thanks for commenting! :)