View Full Version : Puffy/swollen area above collarbone

08-06-18, 16:41
I noticed about a week ago I have this puffy area about the size of a rubber ball about 2 inches above my collar bone next to my neck. I can see it best in natural light. When I press on it all I feel is my neck ligaments and some muscle maybe. When I hunch my shoulders to make that hollow area it goes away. Of course my fear is this is a big node. Its on my right side and I have a swollen node in my neck on the left. I'm not sure if you can have swollen nodes on both sides if the body with lymphoma or not. This is located right above the hollow area if that helps. I also noticed when I hunch my shoulders it doesn't hollow as deep as my left side. I'm trying not to panic and keep my anxiety in check but I can feel myself slipping. I'm seeing my ENT on the 20th for a follow up on my thyroid and node on my left side so I plan to point it out then.

23-07-20, 04:12
Hello! I’m having the same thing. About the letf supraclavicular lymph node. I read that we aren’t supposed to feel it and now I’m panicking. What happened to yours?

27-07-20, 06:14
I have two nodes on my left and one on my right. Both supraclavicular. When I first discovered my left collarbone nodes I panicked because of Google of course. But with time all three have gone down in size. I figured out why they flared up in the first place. The left two swelled up because of the flu shot in my left arm. The right node was swollen because of a rash I had on my chest. So sometimes these things happen and non-anxious ppl don’t even notice them, but we notice them