View Full Version : Lymph node and low neutrophil count

08-06-18, 18:15
Last week I developed a swollen lymph node on the side of my neck as well as a sore throat, a cold sore on my lip and some fever. Had blood test done and it came back with low Neutrophil count (1.3), higher but within norm Monocyte (0.9) and lowish total white blood cell (4) count. Now, doctor seemed a bit concerned about Neutrophils and said I should have another test done in a few weeks time. Before my number was always above 2. Has anyone else had anything similar and is this a reason for worry?! Thanks

09-06-18, 17:13
Anyone please?

09-06-18, 17:18
I guess he can't be that worried if he has said repeat bloods in a few weeks though.

Can't help with your question though, sorry.

09-06-18, 18:29
I had a low neutrophil count in April, as well as low overall WBC. I wasn't ill at the time. Back to normal on latest test. Blood tests are a snapshot in time. You need repeat testing to detect a problem