View Full Version : Worried about throat cancer

09-06-18, 08:51
Back in March I had a terrible virus and lost my voice for 2 weeks. Eventually my speaking voice has come back to normal but I’m unable to sing higher notes. This has made me incredibly anxious. Has anyone had anything similar?

09-06-18, 16:18
Why do you think this is cancer though just because you can't sign high notes? Surely there would be much more going on as well?

Have you asked your GP about it?

09-06-18, 17:14
I have spoken to GP when it took a long time for my voice to return; to normal. He said it was very unlikely to be cancer . At that time I hadn’t tried my singing voice. I’ve been advised by someone who had the same problem to exercise my voice very gently daily so am going to try this .

09-06-18, 17:16
Ok so a professional has said it is unlikely to be cancer and you have been given some advice on how to help it.

Not sure there is much more you can do really.

Just wait and see

09-06-18, 20:04
I know. Thank you for your response. I suffer from HA and if I’m not worrying about one thing then it’s another.
I hate myself for feeling the way I do. It gets me down and I don’t know how my friends and family put up,with me.
Every day I wake up,and think about something that could be going on in my body! Believe it or not I am a professional person with an education degree. I can’t believe I think the way I do at times.

09-06-18, 21:02
Hey aardvark,

Just wanted to say that I can relate to your anxiety around this. I have also been fearing throat cancer for the past couple months (see my post). Sorry that it's getting you down.

10-06-18, 08:21
Thank you Hazelbrit. It’s comforting to know someone understands how I feel. Anxiety can make you feel very lonely.