View Full Version : Infected cut?

09-06-18, 16:16
HA seemed to disappear for a while but sadly it’s back and I’m worrying over the littest thing...

I have a small cut under my belly button. I *think* it was caused by my puppy’s claws when i picked him up, but I’m not sure. He’s had his rabies jab so I’m not worried about that, but i fear it’s infected as it’s grown a brown/ red colour and I’ve felt nauseous and unwell since it happened.

If it was from my puppy, then it was through a tshirt. It could’ve been caused by a zip, button or razer too - I don’t know. There was no blood to my knowledge, but more of a raised cut. I didn’t bother to disinfect it when I noticed, as it looked almost healed, but now it’s dark like a mole. I haven’t been sunbathing either.

There’s no pain, irritation or pus, but I can’t stop worrying. I’m sure it’s normal and I’d just waste the doctor’s time again, but i still feel unwell and tired.

Hubby is away on business for the week so I’m back worrying and reading google :unsure: It’s just my stupid HA, right? :weep:

09-06-18, 16:34
If it is just treat it? A infection on a small scale isn't much to worry about in all honesty, just get some antibiotic cream such as Neosporin Bacitracin Etc throw a bandaid on it. You'll be fine :)

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09-06-18, 17:07
I forgot to mention... It happened a few days ago, so there’s no open wound to treat, but it’s healing up kinda weird and I’m worried something is wrong.

I shouldn’t, though. It’s such a small scratch arggh :doh:

09-06-18, 17:19
Why are you worried if there is no cut so it can't be infected?

Sounds like HA overdrive and nothing more to be honest.

It will be fine.

09-06-18, 20:06
It's common for scrapes and small cuts from pets to swell and not heal the same way as 'normal' cuts as the body will react with a larger immune response.

Your body can easily fight off an infection like that, and had it become an internal infection you'd be a lot sicker than you are now.

10-06-18, 02:41
I recently scraped my knee really badly and was worried also because when it was healing it turned a dark red/brownish color. It ended up being fine, no infection or anything. The skin is still dark brown even though it’s completely healed at this point and not infected. It’s completely normal when you get a bad cut, so I wouldn’t worry at all!

10-06-18, 03:00
Sometimes you can get scar tissue that is reddish even when it appears healed. This can takes months to return back to normal skin colour. It depends on how deep or large the wound from my experience...as a skin picker.

10-06-18, 05:44
You've gotten a lot of reassurance here :) I hope that quells the fear. Enjoy the puppy and post a pic. We all could use a little "Awwww" :D

Positive thoughts