View Full Version : Still worried about throat cancer

14-05-18, 09:26
Hi everyone, I'm new to this site.
I've been struggling with health anxiety on and off for over 15 years. The past 18 months have been particularly difficult, and I have had severe worries about cervical, ovarian, breast, stomach and now throat cancer.

I've been having stomach issues since December, which was put down to gastritis although I was fearing the worst. My endoscopy was postponed and I'm having it on Thursday. Feeling pretty nervous about that. But actually, my stomach problems have mostly disappeared now except some remaining acid reflux. My current fears and symptoms involve my throat. It started with my fear of stomach cancer leading me to read about someone's experience of their father having stomach cancer and she mentioned that his voice become hoarse. Immediately I started to wonder if my voice has changed and became preoccupied with that for a few weeks. I was convinced that it sounded more hoarse, even though my husband and friends said it sounded the same. Then I began to notice how I had a slightly sore throat and ear pain. I went to the doctor who said there was nothing to see, which made me more concerned. I started to clear my throat a lot and even though I've always done this, I began to think that there was a strange rattling noise inside my throat when I was clearing it. Then about two weeks ago, I noticed a strange "clicking" sensation in my throat sometimes when I swallowed. This has been driving me crazy and making me very worried that there is something in my throat, even though it's not affecting swallowing food and drink. I then developed tonsilitis, which was horrible but at least took the focus off of cancer for about a week. But even since recovering from that I still have this clicking, the ear pain, and now a lump in throat feeling or pressure.

Has anyone else experienced this?

I'm hoping and praying they don't find anything sinister on Thursday.

I'm a 31 year old female, non smoker, only drink a couple glasses of wine at the weekend. I know my risk for throat cancer is very low, but the thought of it is terrifying.

14-05-18, 12:29
I'm a 31 year old female, non smoker, only drink a couple glasses of wine at the weekend. I know my risk for throat cancer is very low, but the thought of it is terrifying.

That's just it... the "thought" of it. And that's all it is, a "thought". There's nothing else at all that point towards that fear from a physical standpoint.

Positive thoughts

14-05-18, 23:50
Thank you fishmanpa. Our thoughts are so powerful.

15-05-18, 21:17
The ear pain is really getting to me. It's quite bad & the fact that it's even persistent for about 6 weeks has me worried. It does seem to be related to this feeling of a lump in my throat.

15-05-18, 22:30
You sound a lot like me. I always have a raw throat, i have been throat clearing ( think its the time of year), and I have a constant lump on throat feel on the right side. It is also a little sore over there. I don't have ear pain, but I do get tingling.

I was reading TMJ can cause these symptoms. I sure hope so! I do clench my jaw somethong fierce, and it is worse on the right. I can't feel anything enlarged in my throat, and I go to the ENT at the end of the month. I am not too nervous yet, but hope a scope finds nothing. I've had the symptoms for months. There is always something!

15-05-18, 22:50
It's my biggest fear currently too, especially when my tonsils are inflamed (they usually are though funnily enough) and whatever is going on back there seems to be spreading. (Slowly I must admit).

15-05-18, 23:16
Thanks for responding NervUs. I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling as well. I hadn't thought of TMJ as a possible cause of the ear pain. I do have a clicky jaw, which is irritating when I'm chewing. I actually had the totally irrational thought of jaw bone cancer recently when focusing on my jaw clicking, but was able to catch that particular moment of catastrophizing.

---------- Post added at 23:16 ---------- Previous post was at 23:13 ----------

Hey ThroatGoat, thanks for your reply. Nice to hear from a fellow Canadian (I am from Ontario but have been living in the UK for 8 years). What are your symptoms? I know that throat cancer is very rare, but it seems to be a common fear for people with health anxiety.

16-05-18, 00:04
Thanks for responding NervUs. I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling as well. I hadn't thought of TMJ as a possible cause of the ear pain. I do have a clicky jaw, which is irritating when I'm chewing. I actually had the totally irrational thought of jaw bone cancer recently when focusing on my jaw clicking, but was able to catch that particular moment of catastrophizing.

---------- Post added at 23:16 ---------- Previous post was at 23:13 ----------

Hey ThroatGoat, thanks for your reply. Nice to hear from a fellow Canadian (I am from Ontario but have been living in the UK for 8 years). What are your symptoms? I know that throat cancer is very rare, but it seems to be a common fear for people with health anxiety.

I get the clicking jaw thing too sometimes! I had that for like a day during whatever the hell I'm having trouble with right now.

My first major concern was trouble clearing my throat, like a phlegm feeling stuck at the back there somewhere and sometime in my chest. (I drink and smoke, might just be that).

But then came the "flu" which it wasn't because I've been tested for that (and strep twice and mono/glandular fever too). I had a fever of around 39, shakes, aches everywhere including upper back, lower right and left abdomen and more.

I've got a thread in the Throat section if you want to have a look at the full hoohar. :huh:

Still struggling with night sweats, chills/coldness (or feeling too hot), fatigue, weakness and a bunch of other stuff too like bad breathe and dry mouth. :scared15:

Should have an ENT appointment sometime soon though, so hopefully that will go well and I'll find out I've just got some funky tonsils or something.

I'm actually the opposite to you! Brit living in Canada. :D Funny that!

16-05-18, 14:37
ThroatGoat, I've read your thread and I can relate to your story in that there are symptoms that could be a harmless infection, but it's difficult to control the anxiety and the thoughts of "what if". For me, I've been dealing with worrisome symptoms alongside having tonsillitis 2 weeks ago.

16-05-18, 14:47
ThroatGoat, I've read your thread and I can relate to your story in that there are symptoms that could be a harmless infection, but it's difficult to control the anxiety and the thoughts of "what if". For me, I've been dealing with worrisome symptoms alongside having tonsillitis 2 weeks ago.

Thanks for taking the time to read all that nonsense :roflmao:!

I've always had inflamed tonsils, but seem to have focused on them again lately because of whatever this is. :shrug:

Some of the doctors I've seen think it may have been a virus, but I thought my white or red counts might have been higher if that was the case? (Not sure). I know it's not strep, flu or mono for sure though.

I did have something similar to this about 8 years ago, so it might be the same thing again I guess.

Hopefully it's all benign for both of us! :whistles:

16-05-18, 15:02
I don't even have tonsils and I managed to get tonsillitis! I had them out when I was 10 years old, but apparently "remnants" left from the scar tissue can grow back. Lovely.

I'm sure you will be okay. Is it reassuring to you that you have been through something similar and all was okay?

16-05-18, 15:47
I don't even have tonsils and I managed to get tonsillitis! I had them out when I was 10 years old, but apparently "remnants" left from the scar tissue can grow back. Lovely.

I'm sure you will be okay. Is it reassuring to you that you have been through something similar and all was okay?

Yeah I've heard that's pretty common! Someone said to me they now get lingual tonsillitis after a tonsillectomy, so it effects the ones down the throat instead. :shrug:

Somewhat reassuring yes, but I don't remember ever having this many symptoms back then. That time it was mostly GI related, my stomach was constantly gurgling, I had diarrhea followed by constipation, blood "down there" after going, and was worried sick I had Colon C. But then for some reason my right ear popped and it bled too.

The doctor back then said "you've got a hemorrhoid" and also diagnosed me with a virus too. He mentioned "hey your tonsils are inflamed" and I just said that was nothing new. :roflmao:

The main thing I don't remember having back then was night sweats, but I can't remember. It was around 8 years ago. If I could remember that I did, it would be re-assuring, but anxiety could be causing them too.

Dentist appointment is booked anyway, so hopefully they'll spot anything off in my mouth. Perhaps waiting for 12 months to see the ENT is worrying.

Hope your thing goes well for you tomorrow! Just noticed your other thread, i'm sure you'll be fine! :D

16-05-18, 16:04
I didn't even realise there was such a thing as lingual tonsils! That's a new one on me. I've just looked it up, and now wondering if I have some inflammation there which may be causing some of these symptoms (the throat pain, throat clicking and ear pain??)

Thank you for the well wishes tomorrow. I hope it goes well. Annoyingly the stomach pain, which is the original reason I was having the endoscopy done, is affecting me this afternoon after not being a problem for the last 6 weeks! I had been feeling reassured that there probably isn't anything going on in my stomach after all, but now with this stomach pain coming back on I'm not so sure. Rationally thinking, it makes sense that it's probably just anxiety related as I'm having a very anxious day today.

16-05-18, 17:43
I didn't even realise there was such a thing as lingual tonsils! That's a new one on me. I've just looked it up, and now wondering if I have some inflammation there which may be causing some of these symptoms (the throat pain, throat clicking and ear pain??)

Thank you for the well wishes tomorrow. I hope it goes well. Annoyingly the stomach pain, which is the original reason I was having the endoscopy done, is affecting me this afternoon after not being a problem for the last 6 weeks! I had been feeling reassured that there probably isn't anything going on in my stomach after all, but now with this stomach pain coming back on I'm not so sure. Rationally thinking, it makes sense that it's probably just anxiety related as I'm having a very anxious day today.

Me neither until recently! Apparently there are more than one set. Plus the adenoids whatever they are. :huh: I wonder if it could be my problem too... I have had some tonsil stones, but they've only been super tiny ones.

No problem! I guess because you're focusing on that area that the symptoms are showing up in that region? Could be a great example of anxiety causing the physical symptoms to crop up I hope. :yesyes:

21-05-18, 09:01
Has anyone else experienced a severe sore throat after having an endoscopy?

I had my endoscopy on Thursday, with throat spray and sedation. I felt fine afterwards. It wasn't until Thursday night that I could feel my throat beginning to hurt during my sleep, and on Friday morning I awoke with a very bad sore throat. I also had body aches and over the course of the day developed a fever.

Saturday I still had a fever on and off and the throat pain continued. I've been managing it with paracetamol and ibuprofen, throat lozenges, ice lollies, but it's been relentless.

The fever stopped on Sunday, but I'm still experiencing a very sore throat. It's now Monday morning. When I first woke up, I hacked up some blood which freaked me out.

I'm going to see my GP this afternoon. Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience?

21-05-18, 09:37
Has anyone else experienced a severe sore throat after having an endoscopy?

I had my endoscopy on Thursday, with throat spray and sedation. I felt fine afterwards. It wasn't until Thursday night that I could feel my throat beginning to hurt during my sleep, and on Friday morning I awoke with a very bad sore throat. I also had body aches and over the course of the day developed a fever.

Saturday I still had a fever on and off and the throat pain continued. I've been managing it with paracetamol and ibuprofen, throat lozenges, ice lollies, but it's been relentless.

The fever stopped on Sunday, but I'm still experiencing a very sore throat. It's now Monday morning. When I first woke up, I hacked up some blood which freaked me out.

I'm going to see my GP this afternoon. Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience?

If you had biopsies taken you will be sore for a while. The other option is that you have a caught a virus.

23-05-18, 14:03
Thank you for your reply, WiseMonkey. I don't think there were any biopsies taken.
It turns out that I have tonsillitis again + require another round of antibiotics.

09-06-18, 20:56
Hey guys,

I'm still feeling quite concerned about my throat. I've been having a sore throat and ear pain for over two months now. During this time, I had two episodes of tonsillitis during which I had severe pain and antibiotics helped to resolve this. However the sore throat with ear pain started about a month before I got tonsillitis, and now it's been 9 days since I stopped antibiotics and here I am still struggling. For a few days in the past week the throat and ear pain seemed to lessen, and I was only anxious about the back of my tongue feeling strange/strained. But now for the past two days the throat pain and ear pain are back and very sore. The pain in my throat seems localised to the left, and hurts more when I swallow. Ear pain on the same side, but sometimes in my right ear as well.

This along with the clicking sensation I've had for several weeks now, and my voice sounding weird every once in awhile had got me feeling panicky :(

13-06-18, 17:08
I've also been noticing something weird going on with my voice. Every once in awhile, it seems to have this high frequency thing going on, as if there is a high pitch layer on top of my normal voice. If I clear my voice, it goes back to normal.

13-06-18, 17:20

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


13-06-18, 18:02
Thanks Elen. Will try to work out how to do that in future.

02-09-18, 10:07
Hey guys,

I've got an ongoing fear of throat cancer, mainly because of the ear pain (and slight sore throat) that I have been experiencing for the past 5 months or so. It isn't constant, I've had some weeks where I haven't noticed any throat/ear pain, but it has been fairly persistent.

Around the time that this all started, I was also having stomach issues. I had an endoscopy and was diagnosed with hiatus hernia and oesophagitis from acid reflux. I was prescribed some ranitidine tablets, but I decided not to take them as I was worried about side effects (omeprazole had been previosuly prescribed to me and it gave me terrible stomach pain).

So here I am, still suffering with the ear pain and it almost feels tender and sore in my neck/throat quite low near my collarbone. The reasonable part of my brain believes that this is due to the acid reflux. I started taking the ranitidine tablets 3 days ago to see if it will help. So far no change, but I know it probably takes some time to have an effect.

The irrational HA part of my brain believes that this is throat cancer, and every time I feel pain in my ears or tenderness in my throat, I feel the panic rising.

02-09-18, 14:35
I had perfect results from my blood work last week. Would something like throat cancer make any difference to blood tests?

02-09-18, 14:52
cancer doesn't come and go it would be there,and you would
also have other symptoms and
in answer to your results yes
something would show
Best wishes x

02-09-18, 17:34
That's actually quite freaky as I could have written this! I have exactly the same symptoms since February. Have pain in my neck somewhere under the ear and my ear or throat get achy sometimes. At times it gets bad, other times barely noticeable but never goes away completely. I also have tingly pain on the same side under the collarbone from time to time. The pain more noticeable where I burp. Don't have probs with stomach though. Gets me really down and I keep thinking I have something sinister too :(

02-09-18, 19:10
cancer doesn't come and go it would be there,and you would
also have other symptoms and
in answer to your results yes
something would show
Best wishes x

Thanks for your response. I guess it's hard to know whether it's coming and going, or whether my focus was taken off of it onto other things at different points. Either way, I take your points.

---------- Post added at 19:10 ---------- Previous post was at 19:10 ----------

That's actually quite freaky as I could have written this! I have exactly the same symptoms since February. Have pain in my neck somewhere under the ear and my ear or throat get achy sometimes. At times it gets bad, other times barely noticeable but never goes away completely. I also have tingly pain on the same side under the collarbone from time to time. The pain more noticeable where I burp. Don't have probs with stomach though. Gets me really down and I keep thinking I have something sinister too :(

Have you been to see a doctor at all?

Sorry you are having a difficult time too!

02-09-18, 19:11
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


02-09-18, 19:21
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


Sorry, I didn't mean to cause confusion. I guess I am hoping to reach out to people who have experienced similar worries about specific things. It seems like casting quite a wide net to start a thread about throat cancer/leukaemia/skin cancer/ALS/MS/whatever other disease or symptom is concerning me at any given time.

I also like to look back at past threads and will often search for key words in thread titles. To me, it seems like it would be helpful for others trying to find encouragement from the experience of others if separate worries are given their own thread. Do you disagree?

02-09-18, 21:36
Sorry, I didn't mean to cause confusion. I guess I am hoping to reach out to people who have experienced similar worries about specific things. It seems like casting quite a wide net to start a thread about throat cancer/leukaemia/skin cancer/ALS/MS/whatever other disease or symptom is concerning me at any given time.

I also like to look back at past threads and will often search for key words in thread titles. To me, it seems like it would be helpful for others trying to find encouragement from the experience of others if separate worries are given their own thread. Do you disagree?

I agree with admin on this. This particular thread shows this fear started in May. Between then and now you've had a few other fears but this shows a pattern in this particular fear of yours. Whether you realize it or not, it also discounts your fear as well. If this were sinister, you would be noticeably worse. I know this from personal experience. No "what ifs" or "yeah buts" about it :lac:

By merging threads, just as Elen posted, it helps those trying to help :winks:

Positive thoughts

03-09-18, 17:43
Thanks for your response. I guess it's hard to know whether it's coming and going, or whether my focus was taken off of it onto other things at different points. Either way, I take your points.

---------- Post added at 19:10 ---------- Previous post was at 19:10 ----------

Have you been to see a doctor at all?

Sorry you are having a difficult time too!

No haven't been to doctors with this one as saw the doctor a number of times with other stuff and feel embarrassed. But plan to boom an appointment soon as it keeps bothering me.