View Full Version : UTI Pain and full panic attack

09-06-18, 21:07
Hi guys,

I've been dealing with a suspected UTI for 3/4 days now, and got some antibiotics yesterday. I've never had a UTI before, and the level of constant pain I'm dealing with is freaking me out. Plus reading about interstitial cysitis is pushing me in to full on panic attach :(

My symptoms are:

- No pain when urinating.
- Burning pain around the clitoris/urethra opening all the time. I get some relief by moving around.
- Frequent urination.

As mentioned, I went to the Dr and they gave me some initial tablets that made me feel very sick, so he has now put me on cefalexin. What is really worrying me is that he did a test on my urine and said it didn't look that infected? But it feels like any problem is at the entrance to the urethra, not in my bladder.

I really want to know how long it will be before I see improvement?

I'm panicking so much that this pain is going to be here for the rest of my life and I can't deal with that.

Please help...

11-06-18, 19:07
Hi there. Check out the bladder cancer vs UTI thread on the health anxiety forum - lots of us there with similar issues (although much longer duration than you - hopefully your’s will clear up quickly!)