View Full Version : Another Bone Cancer Thread...

09-06-18, 21:08
Hello all,

Not sure exactly what it is I'm hoping to gain here, but perhaps some reassurance or advice on how to proceed with doctors. I am sorry, this will be a long post, but I do hope that some of you will take the time to read it and let me know what you think. I have been reading around this forum for a few weeks and you seem to be a great, caring bunch.

Some background: 24 year old male, no previous health issues aside from obesity--weight 17.5 stone, 5ft 10in (177.8cm)... all pains described are generally bilateral and NOT severe (occur on both sides of my body--although not necessarily simultaneously).. Tests so far have been spine x-rays, blood test, abdominal ultrasound and colonoscopy/endoscopy. For my spinal x-rays, it was determined that I had a reverse cervical curve as well as mild scoliosis. The blood test was normal, aside from high cholesterol and a pretty major vit D deficiency (5ng/ml)... calcium levels were NORMAL. As for colonoscopy/endoscopy, stomach ulcers were found and I was advised to stop taking Ibuprofen. No polyps.

It all started the beginning of April, where I began to have flank pain on my lower right side, this would come and go. Later in April, the pain would also occur on my left side. Over time, they became more frequent, though at the moment they still come and go.

In mid-May, I begun to have rib pain and shooting pains through both breasts (I am male, although with Gynecomastia...). The shooting pains through my breasts have not been occurring the last few days, so yay for that.

The rib pains would include my lower ribs on both sides, and wrap around to my back.

At this point is where I believe my anxiety began--I never, ever, have been an anxious person, but all of this has driven me to be.

Now, keeping in mind that none of these previous symptoms have gone away, I am now also experiencing pain in both arms (mostly upper arms) and both legs (knee and shin). These feel like bone pain, as did the pain in my ribs. They are frequent, although not constant. They do not occur only during movement, but also at rest.

Although it may be irrelevant, I also have a *very* slight discomfort when urinating, hardly painful really, but no kidney stones visible on ultrasound and no infection/protein in urinalysis.

I have been to the doctor with all of these concerns aside from the urination, and the upper arm and lower leg pains. Those are all new occurrences. I feel that I should go to the doctor with these concerns, but I feel they are tired of seeing me and my poor mother is tired of my crap. I really feel bad for sharing my anxiety with her, whether I turn out to be right or wrong, but she is adamant that all of my pains are caused by anxiety. I am not so sure.

The only advice from the doctor has been that the pain is likely caused by poor posture and the way I carry my weight. That, and Vitamin D supplements - 50,000units/week which I started a month ago this past Monday. Again, I did not mention the leg/arm pain yet as it is a new occurrence from the last week or so.

If anyone's been through anything similar (pain in THIS many places caused by anxiety), or has any advice on how I should proceed in general, again, I'd greatly appreciate hearing from you. I am going mad. Of course, I'm quite happy my colonoscopy was clear as I was having digestive issues and some blood, and know that bone cancer is generally a secondary cancer. However, this now has me wondering: am I either one of the unlucky few that has primary bone cancer, and in this many sites (locations), or do I have some other sneaky cancer elsewhere that is in its late stages and metastasized to bone...

EDIT: Forgot to add: also had an EKG which was normal & the abdominal ultrasound did reveal a fatty liver and mildly enlarged spleen (13.4cm) which I was initially concerned about (curse you Google!) but not too concerned about the spleen thing at the moment. It's the pain that is scaring the hell out of me.

Thank you for your time, it is much appreciated.

10-06-18, 20:10
Surely someone must have some thoughts on this?

I am thinking I need to see a different doctor with my new pain areas (and old).

10-06-18, 20:29
Some background: 24 year old male, no previous health issues aside from obesity--weight 17.5 stone, 5ft 10in (177.8cm)... all pains described are generally bilateral and NOT severe (occur on both sides of my body--although not necessarily simultaneously).. Tests so far have been spine x-rays, blood test, abdominal ultrasound and colonoscopy/endoscopy. For my spinal x-rays, it was determined that I had a reverse cervical curve as well as mild scoliosis. The blood test was normal, aside from high cholesterol and a pretty major vit D deficiency (5ng/ml)... calcium levels were NORMAL. As for colonoscopy/endoscopy, stomach ulcers were found and I was advised to stop taking Ibuprofen. No polyps.

It all started the beginning of April, where I began to have flank pain on my lower right side, this would come and go. Later in April, the pain would also occur on my left side. Over time, they became more frequent, though at the moment they still come and go.

In mid-May, I begun to have rib pain and shooting pains through both breasts (I am male, although with Gynecomastia...). The shooting pains through my breasts have not been occurring the last few days, so yay for that......They are frequent, although not constant.

The only advice from the doctor has been that the pain is likely caused by poor posture and the way I carry my weight.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

10-06-18, 21:02
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

You know, I was kind of expecting that exact response.

I guess my worry is just that the damned Dr. Google indicates bone cancer pain initially may be dull and come and go, which matches my description. That, and the areas in which I have pain seem to continue to grow. Hell, I didn't even mention the pains I've been having in my hands (both) or feet (both).

I'm still hopeful that I'm overreaching with my diagnosis--I was wrong about colon cancer, after all... but it's still so damn scary.

I appreciate your insight, and your strength, Fishmanpa - and congratulations on your successful battle.

Edit: I also wanted to clarify that while I may not experience all of these pains constantly, I do experience almost all of them on a daily basis.

11-06-18, 23:08
Any other thoughts on this would be appreciated.

Cant help worrying I'm dying a slow painful death:(.

I'm especially interested to know if anyone has opinions on whether Vitamin D alone could cause this, or combined with anxiety perhaps.

I do appreciate FishmanPA's logic, however it seems oddly to both strengthen and diminish my fears. As I said from what I know in the beginning the pain from bone cancer often does wax and wane, plus the areas of pain are ever growing--and at an alarming rate.

ALSO, the rib pain is back though not full force.

I am mostly sedentary aside from starting to walk an hour a day lately... no exercise I can think of to justify my daily pains

13-06-18, 20:47
Bumping to see if anyone else has any thoughts...

13-06-18, 21:02
I'm a survivor. If what I posted doesn't reassure you, go to the doctor. I'll have the "Told Ya So Gang" on standby :winks:

Positive thoughts

13-06-18, 21:06
I'm a survivor. If what I posted doesn't reassure you, go to the doctor. I'll have the "Told Ya So Gang" on standby :winks:

Positive thoughts

Thank you, really. I know you are and congratulations again on your NED.

I do have a urology appointment next week to check out some stuff downstairs, including the (slight) pain when urinating. I'll see if they have any interest in discussing my other issues (pain) given theyre a specialist in a different field and then go from there.

15-06-18, 01:53
Sigh, why must I continue to Google? Now I'm finding all the people congregating on the internet discussing stage 4 lung cancer being diagnosed with no prior symptoms. Cancer is a terrible beast - whether I turn out to have it or not.

16-06-18, 23:18
I know this isn't really the place for medical advice, but something I've been wondering...

if I did have bone cancer, either primary or secondary, it would be very uncharacteristic for it to cause dull pains in this many body parts, and generally bilaterally, right? It seems like more commonly people end up finding out because they break a bone, and even at that point they dont find it in both arms/legs, etc.

17-06-18, 04:51
Anyone? I'm in a bad way... dont know what type of doctor to see (aside from a psychiatrist since I fail to believe ALL of my pains are anxiety)

17-06-18, 07:38
Sorry you haven’t had many replies, but I think it’s because you’re asking so many questions, that aren’t very general.

This is what I thought when I read your post:
He’s had a lot of tests that show he’s got nothing wrong with him
He’s deficient in vitamin d
He’s overweight
He’s got anxiety

I think you could do great things by focusing on anxiety and not google. Have you done anything about your anxiety yet? Apart from posting here? There are a million things that could help you. Learning and practicing relaxation techniques is a huge one.

But also, some gentle exercise in the daylight would start to help all 3 [emoji16]

When you go back to your doctor, why not bring up your posts on this thread?

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18-06-18, 22:29
Sorry you haven’t had many replies, but I think it’s because you’re asking so many questions, that aren’t very general.

This is what I thought when I read your post:
He’s had a lot of tests that show he’s got nothing wrong with him
He’s deficient in vitamin d
He’s overweight
He’s got anxiety

I think you could do great things by focusing on anxiety and not google. Have you done anything about your anxiety yet? Apart from posting here? There are a million things that could help you. Learning and practicing relaxation techniques is a huge one.

But also, some gentle exercise in the daylight would start to help all 3 [emoji16]

When you go back to your doctor, why not bring up your posts on this thread?

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Appreciate it...

I have 2 appointments now for Wednesday, one with a urologist and another with my GP. I plan to mention that I seem to be having deep pain and tenderness in all of the places bone cancer is generally considered "common."

I dont feel at this point that anything can convince me aside from the proper tests to rule out what I fear.

19-06-18, 10:28
I don't have HA in the way that many unfortunate people on this forum do, but as I suffer from GAD, I am given to latching on to a perceived discomfort and catastrophising about it if I'm going through a particularly anxious patch.

After I had my first child, my anxiety kicked in badly. I had a bump on my shin and decided it could be bone cancer. This was in the happy days before Google, so I went to see my GP. When I told her my fears, the poor woman looked so weary. When I asked her how she could be sure it wasn't what I thought it was, she said "how do I know an elephant is an elephant?".

I have been going through all sorts of "physical" symptoms lately, as I had a period between meds. My psychiatrist explained that if I notice anything amiss, my brain is of the type that will fixate and obsess, and the problem will seem to get worse. It has been difficult for me to learn to accept this, but I am getting there.

Reading your posts, your brain sounds a lot like mine! I'm inclined to believe your symptoms are anxiety-related, however physically they manifest themselves.

Have the tests if you must, but believe the results. Sometimes we just have to accept that other people are capable of doing their jobs and trust the experts.

Wishing you all the best.

20-06-18, 22:43
Thank you, Sleepy.

So, I just got back from the urologist, GP and testicular sonogram/left shoulder, left humerus, left tibia x-ray.... so, busy day.

Don't have any of the results yet.

BUT... my GP (different one this time) did say he was confident if I had bone lesions in as many places as I suspect, my ALP would have been high when they ran it last month (it was 88).

The panic comes due to my weight......... I was 258lbs (18.43 stone) in mid-May, and am now 232lbs (16.57 stone). That means I lost 26 pounds in 1 month.

Bearing in mind that I have stopped drinking all sugary drinks, and started trying to eat 3 meals a day instead of 1 meal a day and a lot of snacks at night.... what are the odds that eating healthier and walking a bit every day could result in such a significant weight loss on their own? Interested in anyone who might have any experience with significant weight loss in a short period that turned out to be not sinister.. I should mention that I have not been snacking, and eating lighter meals as well. I may not be eating as many calories as I should, to be honest... but in the past, when I ate only 1 meal a day, I wasn't losing weight...

Sorry for asking specific questions, but if anyone can help out I'd again greatly appreciate it. I'm trying to hold it all together, but I was scared when I thought I lost 20lbs... now that I know it's closer to 30 I'm freaking out.

When I was leaving the doctors office I did say "worried about that weight loss..." he said "I'm not." I have to imagine though that he said what he felt he needed to say so that I wouldn't absolutely lose my mind. I can't imagine he would have told me if it was something I should be concerned with until he knew for sure what was going on.


The x-rays were normal... odd considering how the pain, including when I apply pressure to the area, feels deep like bone pain.... but I'll have to accept that as a win, right? I did ask the doctor if he thought that any lesions capable of causing pain would show on the x-ray, and he assured me they would...

Still very interested in the weight loss and what people think about obesity and weight loss due to diet change vs an overweight or skinny person trying to lose weight.

21-06-18, 14:08
Anyone have any thoughts on the weight loss??


21-06-18, 14:26
I have pains at the moment (and think bone cancer) vit d has been ruled out, I had blood tests which showed nothing wrong.
I been to gp/doctors a lot this year

21-06-18, 14:52
I have pains at the moment (and think bone cancer) vit d has been ruled out, I had blood tests which showed nothing wrong.
I been to gp/doctors a lot this year

I feel you.... I've not gone to doctor in years until this started in April, now I'd say I've been to at least 13 appointments...

The pain has me worried but now the weight loss is intensifying that worry so badly..

21-06-18, 20:44
ANYONE have any comments on the weight loss? Losing it!!! :'(

21-06-18, 20:47
ANYONE have any comments on the weight loss? Losing it!!! :'(

Anxiety will cause you to lose weight due to suppressed appetite and eating less and then there's this...

Some background: 24 year old male, no previous health issues aside from obesity--weight 17.5 stone, 5ft 10in (177.8cm)... all pains described are generally bilateral and NOT severe (occur on both sides of my body--although not necessarily simultaneously).. Tests so far have been spine x-rays, blood test, abdominal ultrasound and colonoscopy/endoscopy. For my spinal x-rays, it was determined that I had a reverse cervical curve as well as mild scoliosis. The blood test was normal, aside from high cholesterol and a pretty major vit D deficiency (5ng/ml)... calcium levels were NORMAL. As for colonoscopy/endoscopy, stomach ulcers were found and I was advised to stop taking Ibuprofen. No polyps.

It all started the beginning of April, where I began to have flank pain on my lower right side, this would come and go. Later in April, the pain would also occur on my left side. Over time, they became more frequent, though at the moment they still come and go.

In mid-May, I begun to have rib pain and shooting pains through both breasts (I am male, although with Gynecomastia...). The shooting pains through my breasts have not been occurring the last few days, so yay for that......They are frequent, although not constant.

The only advice from the doctor has been that the pain is likely caused by poor posture and the way I carry my weight.

Positive thoughts

21-06-18, 20:50
Anxiety will cause you to lose weight due to suppressed appetite and eating less and then there's this...

Positive thoughts

Thanks for responding.

Right now my current fear is I may have lung cancer or cancer elsewhere that is causing the weight loss... 26 pounds in a month?! I havent been eating less necessarily but I havent been snacking

21-06-18, 20:57
Bone cancer to lung cancer in less than two weeks? I think that says it all actually. You're physically fine according to scientific medical tests and professionals. What are you doing to treat your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

21-06-18, 21:03
Bone cancer to lung cancer in less than two weeks? I think that says it all actually. You're physically fine according to scientific medical tests and professionals. What are you doing to treat your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

Here's the thing... I started at colon cancer as earlier mentioned. However this has all been in pursuit of finding which potentially metastatic cancer I have that has spread to my bones... I recognize the rarity of primary bone cancer but worry terribly that i have lung cancer or another cancer known to cause weight loss that has spread to my bones and who knows where else. I have pain almost everywhere, and I'm down 26 pounds in a very short time period. I also worry that much of my pains might be referred pain from different organs.

Do you think then that the weight loss could be reasonable and not related to my fears?

I really do appreciate ya, Fishmanpa. I plan to get help for my anxiety IF I turn out to not be terminal... :weep:

21-06-18, 21:08
I plan to get help for my anxiety IF I turn out to not be terminal... :weep:

The "Told Ya So Gang" is still on standby ;)

I have 2 appointments now for Wednesday, one with a urologist and another with my GP.

What did the doctors say yesterday?

Positive thoughts

21-06-18, 21:36
The "Told Ya So Gang" is still on standby ;)

What did the doctors say yesterday?

Positive thoughts
I assume you already read this and just wanted me to revisit and repeat it for reassurance:

The thing though is that I genuinely believe any doctor will say they aren't worried about something until they know that it IS FOR SURE clinically significant. I think the weight loss piqued his interest greatly but he was just trying to calm me down. I cant imagine any way losing this amount of weight without a specific diet and lots of exercise is possible other than... my greatest fear.

21-06-18, 21:52
The thing though is that I genuinely believe any doctor will say they aren't worried about something until they know that it IS FOR SURE clinically significant.

That wasn't my experience and I'm a survivor of two heart attacks, bypass, stents and Stage IVa Head and Neck cancer. But hey... what do I know?

Anyway... this isn't helping so I'll just wish you good luck!


22-06-18, 00:08
That wasn't my experience and I'm a survivor of two heart attacks, bypass, stents and Stage IVa Head and Neck cancer. But hey... what do I know?

Anyway... this isn't helping so I'll just wish you good luck!

FMPI really don't want you to feel like I don't value your opinion. I am sympathetic that you have been through a lot, and you are VERY courageous. I'm just so damn worried, y'know?

Your words do actually help, by the way, I'm just very very tightly wound right now.

Thank you!

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---------- Post added at 19:08 ---------- Previous post was at 16:54 ----------

Hi all,

I wanted to ask also if anyone might know if a lot of bubbles in foul smelling diarrhea could be related to all of this. It only happened this one time so far, and that was after I DEVOURED a Wendy's baconator and med fries on top of 2 Kellogg protein bars, carrots, and a belvita for lunch... in a pursuit to at least eat the amount of calories required to maintain my weight and not keep losing... the worrying symptoms seem to keep coming.

I've already had a colonoscopy/endoscopy as mentioned, and was told I did not have celiac. I'm wondering if I may have something else causing malabsorption and perhaps the weight loss. Maybe something not so sinister?

22-06-18, 19:59
Here's one thing that keeps entering my mind...

If the doctor suspected my weight loss COULD be due to cancer, does it sound likely that he'd have just let me walk out with just a followup appt for autoimmune bloods in 1 week?

I'm trying to rationalize this. I want to believe that if he had even a suspicion they were missing something and that cancer seemed a likely explanation then they'd have sent me for more scans to be sure.

Does that sound accurate? E.g. I mentioned fear of lung cancer due to my rib tenderness and shoulder pains as well as the weight loss, if he thought it was possible a chest x-ray at minimum would have been ordered along with my xrays of the long bones, right?

---------- Post added at 14:59 ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 ----------

I know I'm probably getting annoying but I'm very worried and wonder if anyone has any input on my last post. I feel like my weight loss unquestionably warrants further testing but the doctor is only running autoimmune bloods. No CT scans of abdomen, no xrays of chest, that must mean for the moment he doesn't even suspect anything as sinister as I do... right??

22-06-18, 21:36
My friend is training to be a doctor, its hard not to ask him a million questions but one time he did say to me. If a Doctor is worried and they hear about weight loss they send you for tests. It's clear that even with your weight loss your doctor doesn't think you need further testing! You should make comfort in that. I, lost 3 stone in one month when my anixety about my health was at my worst and my doctor didn't send me for more tests at the time!

22-06-18, 21:54
My friend is training to be a doctor, its hard not to ask him a million questions but one time he did say to me. If a Doctor is worried and they hear about weight loss they send you for tests. It's clear that even with your weight loss your doctor doesn't think you need further testing! You should make comfort in that. I, lost 3 stone in one month when my anixety about my health was at my worst and my doctor didn't send me for more tests at the time!

Did you really lose 3 stone in a month? No fooling? No exaggerating? And were you still eating?

Thank you so much for your response..

22-06-18, 21:56
Did you really lose 3 stone in a month? No fooling? No exaggerating? And were you still eating?

Thank you so much for your response..

Nope! No exaggerating at all. I've always carried a bit of extra weight and still do! Like I did eat but not as much as I used too (I did over do it alot before my health anixety really kicked in!) But yeah 3 stone and my doctor still didn't send me for tests! Anixety or other issues can really rack your body phyical as well.

22-06-18, 22:07
Nope! No exaggerating at all. I've always carried a bit of extra weight and still do! Like I did eat but not as much as I used too (I did over do it alot before my health anixety really kicked in!) But yeah 3 stone and my doctor still didn't send me for tests! Anixety or other issues can really rack your body phyical as well.Yours was exactly the type of response I was looking for.

It doesn't mean I'm okay, but it lends some hope, something I didn't have before.

I am writing this from an urgent care clinic as I wait for the doctor and wonder why I'm even here, theres no way they can answer the types of questions I have. They will just tell me to talk to my GP and that I've wasted $40 and all...

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22-06-18, 22:16
Yours was exactly the type of response I was looking for.

It doesn't mean I'm okay, but it lends some hope, something I didn't have before.

I am writing this from an urgent care clinic as I wait for the doctor and wonder why I'm even here, theres no way they can answer the types of questions I have. They will just tell me to talk to my GP and that I've wasted $40 and all...

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Listen. Don't beat yourself up to much about this. I didn't go for the doctor for six years during my teenage years then I went 12 times in the space of a year. It's about learning and growing. I still have months of total panic (look at my own stuff). Like I do have some issues (ibs for one, a nasty batrical thing that causes ulcers) among other things but my mental health has been one of the biggest issues of all.

I, of course wish you the best!

22-06-18, 22:22
Listen. Don't beat yourself up to much about this. I didn't go for the doctor for six years during my teenage years then I went 12 times in the space of a year. It's about learning and growing. I still have months of total panic (look at my own stuff). Like I do have some issues (ibs for one, a nasty batrical thing that causes ulcers) among other things but my mental health has been one of the biggest issues of all.

I, of course wish you the best!

I have looked at some of your posts and can appreciate that you seem to be in much the same boat. I'm sorry for both of us..

I wish you the best as well and again your response has really helped me today, so I cant thank you enough.

I am sorry that I haven't responded to any of your threads, or anyone else's for that matter... but I hope to be able to chime in when I have something to add and I'm not in such bad shape.

22-06-18, 22:30
I have looked at some of your posts and can appreciate that you seem to be in much the same boat. I'm sorry for both of us..

I wish you the best as well and again your response has really helped me today, so I cant thank you enough.

I am sorry that I haven't responded to any of your threads, or anyone else's for that matter... but I hope to be able to chime in when I have something to add and I'm not in such bad shape.

In ways now, I'm actually in a lot of a better place! Like don't get me wrong. Daily I do worry about my health someway but I'm slowly coming to terms with things! Like whenever I get a horrible ibs attack my mind falls apart but I've had all the tests done. Like I said in a post I can't keep running after tests I've already been told the awsner to no matter how I wanted to and are scared they missed something.

The people on this websit have been wonderful to me. In the worst and best times.

22-06-18, 22:52
In ways now, I'm actually in a lot of a better place! Like don't get me wrong. Daily I do worry about my health someway but I'm slowly coming to terms with things! Like whenever I get a horrible ibs attack my mind falls apart but I've had all the tests done. Like I said in a post I can't keep running after tests I've already been told the awsner to no matter how I wanted to and are scared they missed something.

The people on this websit have been wonderful to me. In the worst and best times.I guess my concerns are things like...

I fear I have bone metastasis or bone cancer... so I have xrays of the long bones... then I go home and read about how bone metastasis is only found in xrays if it's a certain size... LIKE, WHY? They say you need an actual bone scan to rule out bone mets, but theres no way I'd get that test...

I worry about my kidneys because the abdominal ultrasound indicated they could not be fully visualized due to my weight but "appeared" okay... same with gall bladder, pancreas... so now I wish I'd had a CT scan instead but will they do it? Who knows.

The doctor was in a rush but he told me that it was "good" that I lost 26 pounds in a month, due to my current obesity. After I told him about my change in eating habits, he said I shouldn't keep myself awake at night worrying about the weight loss..

I still fear the worst, but at this point I'm worried that I'll never be normal again even if I'm okay this time, which I currently doubt... y'know, like, any time any symptom appears I will correlate it to all this and scare myself horribly. The very definition of health anxiety, and yet a mere 6 months ago I didn't fear a thing... now I cant even say if I'll be alive in 6 more months... for being 24, that's really devastating... but everything going on in the same 3 month period seems like it cant be coincidental... and yet the doctors dont seem worried... I'm so lost, heh.

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23-06-18, 02:19
I guess my concerns are things like...

I fear I have bone metastasis or bone cancer... so I have xrays of the long bones... then I go home and read about how bone metastasis is only found in xrays if it's a certain size... LIKE, WHY? They say you need an actual bone scan to rule out bone mets, but theres no way I'd get that test...

I worry about my kidneys because the abdominal ultrasound indicated they could not be fully visualized due to my weight but "appeared" okay... same with gall bladder, pancreas... so now I wish I'd had a CT scan instead but will they do it? Who knows.

The doctor was in a rush but he told me that it was "good" that I lost 26 pounds in a month, due to my current obesity. After I told him about my change in eating habits, he said I shouldn't keep myself awake at night worrying about the weight loss..

I still fear the worst, but at this point I'm worried that I'll never be normal again even if I'm okay this time, which I currently doubt... y'know, like, any time any symptom appears I will correlate it to all this and scare myself horribly. The very definition of health anxiety, and yet a mere 6 months ago I didn't fear a thing... now I cant even say if I'll be alive in 6 more months... for being 24, that's really devastating... but everything going on in the same 3 month period seems like it cant be coincidental... and yet the doctors dont seem worried... I'm so lost, heh.

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I'm 21! So I can really understand some of your feelings. I had a full break down last June, so it's been a year of hell (a mixture of all different types of anxiety and metal issues not just health.)

How did you get on at the doctor's?

23-06-18, 02:32
I'm 21! So I can really understand some of your feelings. I had a full break down last June, so it's been a year of hell (a mixture of all different types of anxiety and metal issues not just health.)

How did you get on at the doctor's?Sorry to hear :(.

The doctors went about as well as I could have hoped I guess.

I didn't get a chance to ask all the questions I wanted to as it was urgent care after all and he was backed up...

He said it was "good" that I lost 26lbs in a month because I have more to lose still... again, after I explained my change in diet. I still have trouble with this because I have always found it difficult to lose weight.

I had him feel these soft "lumps" on either side on my flanks, around my belly -- they seem to be organs? I'm thinking kidneys? But I don't know if that's stupid, or whether you can even palpate your kidneys even if they are enlarged? Maybe muscle, I really dont know and he didn't seem to either... he just said he didn't feel anything there he thought was concerning.

I didn't get to ask about the lumps on my chest (including breasts, although I'm a male I have gynecomastia)... nor did I get to ask about the bumps on my forearms, though my gp didn't think the arm bumps were significant.

I just dont feel that my fears have been ruled out yet, but how can I pretend with my Google degree that I know better than these doctors? Just so hard..

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23-06-18, 09:59
Man, I just posted something roughly similar (also 25yo male). I haven't lost weight but I have chest pains, shooting pain up my arm, back pain, armpit pain (possibly from probing it so much), random bruises and cuts, rashes, lightheadedness, a slightly enlarged spleen. My bloods seemed to come back fine but I'm still FREAKING out.

Waiting on lymphoma-specific bloods to come back but I've had the exact same line of catastrophic thinking lately: what if this is some other cancer that I've missed that's now metastasized? I haven't lost any weight but I feel like crap. Honestly, I'm leaning towards the idea that it's all in my head.

My WBC is in a normal range, I don't have any major problem flags, doctors keep shooing me away, I've gotten SO many tests done and still have more to go (getting a breast ultrasound done).

I feel like at some point we just need to trust the docs, right? I mean, why are living like this?

24-06-18, 00:16
I don't know what to do... the pain all over has been worse today, perhaps to due with the fact that it's raining BUT...

The pain has been almost unbearable, and enough that I cannot keep up when walking with my mom.

24-06-18, 23:32
Went to the ER today, was prescribed Lyrica. Unfortunately I'm not too optimistic as at this point the level of pain and how constant it has become and how many places it is in have done me over

My pain does not appear to coincide with fibromyalgia as much as I'd like to think so