View Full Version : Is Anxiety causing me to feel weak?

09-06-18, 21:12
Since a few days I have been feeling worse then usually. I feel weak, like my legs will gove up on me, dizzy but more light headed, shaky (even though whenever I take a look at my hands they don‘t really shake) and sometimes I see black spots but mostly when I get up too early so I try not to worry about that too much.
I was diagnosed with a Panic Disorder 6 months ago but now I am so terrified. My anxiety felt so much different back then and now I‘m getting scared that this is caused by something else.
I googled too much and now I‘m scared that the reason is low blood sugar or low blood pressure. Even though I don‘t have any symptoms of Diabetes (exept fatigue maybe lol) and low blood sugar isn‘t that common without it, I still get this feeling where I feel like my blood sugar dropped and I have to eat something. But then again, I don‘t know if that‘s my body asking or just my anxiety. I also never had blood pressure but everytime they took it I was feeling anxious and I heard that this can affect it? The weather is also extremly hot and maybe it‘s just that mixed with Anxiety but I can‘t help feeling so stressed about this since I have never felt this weak. :weep:

09-06-18, 21:47
Hi, sorry you feel so bad. I've had panic attacks in the past and anxiety for many years. In my experience sometimes the symptoms can seem to get worse to even change.

Being light headed or shaky and having your legs feel like that is a symptom of anxiety. There are so many anxiety symptoms and sometimes it feels like it is something life threatening or some illness but it can be anxiety. I've had this happen a few times where I've thought there was something wrong and it turned out it was just my anxiety.

When I have my blood pressure checked (for contraceptive pill) it's always high on the first reading as going to the doctors makes me anxious. Anxiety can increase your blood pressure, it does, when you're anxious your blood pressure increases, adrenalin pumps through your system making you shaky and all this can make you tired and cause you to feel weak.

The heat also sets my anxiety off because when you have a panic atack of anxiety feeling warm is also a symptom.

And as you may know worrying about all these things cause more anxiety and it's then a viscous cycle. In the past CBT and exposure therapis online and in books have helped me. Now yoga and mindfulness seriously helps me to keep calm and I do live a less anxious life though I still suffer with it. You may have health anxiety or sadly what us anxious people end up having is a type of hypocondria, it's because we have anxiety have no clue what it is so worry about it which causes anxiety. etc etc

I hope you feel better and find some way to ease your anxieity, I hope I have helped in some way. All the best

09-06-18, 22:18
Hi, sorry you feel so bad. I've had panic attacks in the past and anxiety for many years. In my experience sometimes the symptoms can seem to get worse to even change.

Being light headed or shaky and having your legs feel like that is a symptom of anxiety. There are so many anxiety symptoms and sometimes it feels like it is something life threatening or some illness but it can be anxiety. I've had this happen a few times where I've thought there was something wrong and it turned out it was just my anxiety.

When I have my blood pressure checked (for contraceptive pill) it's always high on the first reading as going to the doctors makes me anxious. Anxiety can increase your blood pressure, it does, when you're anxious your blood pressure increases, adrenalin pumps through your system making you shaky and all this can make you tired and cause you to feel weak.

The heat also sets my anxiety off because when you have a panic atack of anxiety feeling warm is also a symptom.

And as you may know worrying about all these things cause more anxiety and it's then a viscous cycle. In the past CBT and exposure therapis online and in books have helped me. Now yoga and mindfulness seriously helps me to keep calm and I do live a less anxious life though I still suffer with it. You may have health anxiety or sadly what us anxious people end up having is a type of hypocondria, it's because we have anxiety have no clue what it is so worry about it which causes anxiety. etc etc

I hope you feel better and find some way to ease your anxieity, I hope I have helped in some way. All the best

Thank you!
I noticed that my anxiety is more based about my health which is giving me more anxiety (the sweet irony of that) but to know that it can get better feels comforting.
My blood pressure was always in the normal range but even if it is lower I read that this can be healthy too so I try to not to stress it for now.
Also knowing that I'm not the only one where heat can set anxiety off is helpful, since I've only saw people talking how they feel more comfortable. Wish I could relate to that.