View Full Version : New here

25-07-07, 21:02
Hi everyone, I'm new to all this but have been following some useful information on this site for a while. Decided to get involved today as I'm finding things tough.

I'm 34, married to a beautiful wife, have 4 lovely children and have an extremely stressful career. Right now, I seem to be in Fight or Flight mode and there is no middle ground - either ok or negative / panic. I'm taking various vitimins which are mean't to help however, when I get a problem in my head it runs at 100 miles an hour until it starts to hurt.

I hope others out there have similar issues and can point me in the right direction with any advice I would really appreciate it. Anyway, I pleased to be here.


25-07-07, 21:29
Hi George

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help so have a good read of the website pages on the left for loads of advice and ideas.

25-07-07, 21:31
Hello George:welcome:to you!

Pleased you're here too, because I know you'll get plenty of help and support just like I did when I finally plucked up courage to join!

When my thoughts 'race for a place' I find concentrating on just one thing in particular helps. It can be anything at all - just so long as it keeps you focused. Bit like reining in runnaway horses I suppose?

Won't say it's easy, but the more you try it the more it may work for you.

Hope this has been helpful to you :)

Pleased to meet you!

25-07-07, 21:39
Thank you for your kind words, I have been told before about distration or focusing on something else to give my brain a rest - thanks for reminding me I need it right now. George

25-07-07, 22:21
Hi George

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


25-07-07, 23:53
Hi George,

Welcome to the site. I'm what you call a worrywort. I can make myself ill by focusing on things to worry about. I tend to get migraines but I honestly don't know if they are stress related, I know they are weather related. I do try to distract myself and do various relaxation techniques to help me. I personally like to read, go in the chatroom here at NMP or play one of the many games here at NMP to distract myself. Just some of the things that you might find helps.
Laura :)

26-07-07, 11:27
Hi George,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

26-07-07, 11:49
Hi George
a nice big welcome to you, it's always nice to know you're not alone, hope we can all help you, lot's to read and loads of advice here it's a great place to find comfort and people will do all they can in times of need.
Take care
Sharon :)

26-07-07, 14:11
Hi George and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. If I have problems and worries going round and round in my head I write them down with a list of solutions. It's also important to have some relaxation in your life, especially with a stressful job so you could develop a hobby you can turn to. I don't know if you've heard of Rescue Remedy? It's a herbal remedy which comes in a little bottle and you take some at times of stress.

Take care,

26-07-07, 14:33
hello george
welcome im sure you will get lots of support here my mind races alot also but you say ya have stress yup thats me and i know thats why our minds race the way the do..like peoples said try and concentrate on one thing at a time easy said than done...i wish ya the best............linda x

26-07-07, 18:35
I'm so pleased that so many have replied, thank you.

I have had a really bad night and morning, so I went to my GP this afternoon. I will start a new thread with what happened if thats the correct way to do things here?

See you soon


Pink Princess
27-07-07, 19:58
hi and welcome to the site xx
love minnie xxxxx