View Full Version : Does anyone else have weird bumps and stringy masses on their neck spine,??

10-06-18, 10:07
Hello everyone. When I rub my neck on the spine part on my upper neck, there's almost what seems like Stony masses that make click sounds and it kind of hurts. I'm scared if this is cancer that spread to my spine. Please tell me someone else has the same thing as me?

10-06-18, 16:23
It's called human anatomy, muscle and skeletal structures.

Positive thoughts

5 years now
11-06-18, 04:15
I believe you are feeling the muscles, tendons, and vertabrae in your neck.
I am a painter and I have a sore neck nearly everyday and am very well aware of what that area feels like.
Peace and good thoughts friend.

11-06-18, 08:16
Hello everyone. When I rub my neck on the spine part on my upper neck, there's almost what seems like Stony masses that make click sounds and it kind of hurts. I'm scared if this is cancer that spread to my spine. Please tell me someone else has the same thing as me?

Yes. Every human being on the Planet Earth, as well as some dead ones that haven't yet decomposed :)

11-06-18, 13:10
I have that too and it freaked me out. My doctor told me it was a just mix of normal tissue, muscle and even tiny lymph nodes, which are normal to feel! Only have to worry when they get to golf ball size

11-06-18, 14:34
I found one on my tailbone a couple days ago :( Freaked me out but trying to stay calm.