View Full Version : General health anxiety(something new every month)

Purple Blood
10-06-18, 16:48
Hi,I'm new here,just wanted to share my troubles with hypochondria!
I've always had a little bit of anxiety regarding health(my go-to disease is leukemia)but it's been really bad the last 5 months.I had nosebleeds for about a week back in January(because of the cold weather and because I would blow my nose all the time)and naturally I assumed I had leukemia!The it went away and I actually got sick(flu)and during the examination the doctor scared the crap out of me when she was checking my abdomen because she thought she could feel "something",which was just fat apparently but it still keeps me awake sometimes.Then after I got over the flu I lost a kilo,so naturally I assumed I had cancer(when you search weight loss in google,cancer shows up,how fun!)stomach cancer to be exact because the doctor thought she felt something in my abdomen!!!I would get indigestion and freak out,then the indegestion would get worse,I would stuff myself with food to prove that I could gain the kilo back but I couldn't gain it because I have a good metabolism and I work out,and that scared me even more.I got over that and then I thought I had thyroid problems because I still couldn't gain the weight back(that wasn't too bad,I got over it quickly)
I was okay anxiety-wise for a little bit then I discovered a mole on my ear(really,who gets moles in their ear??).I didn't know it was a mole at the time,I thought it was a nasty looking pimple but it wouldn't go away so I assumed it was either a)skin cancer or b)an absess that would infect my brain and kill me.I went to the dermatologist and it turned out to be a mole,it never even crossed my mind.
I was fine again for a few weeks and then the current problem appeared:a swollen lymph node(maybe),the bane of my existence.
I get pimples on my armpits frequently after shaving and especially at Spring/Summer,so while some of the other health "problems" where happend I had the occasional armpit pimple but I wasn't worried too much(not gonna lie,I had the usual pimple or tumor debate every time a new one appeared).
3 weeks ago I noticed a new one and I decided to leave it alone because it hurt,3 days later I check to see if it was gone,and it was but my armpit was still swollen in that place.Needless to say that ever since I haven't stopped poking my armpit,I take pictures of it daily and I compare them,it hasn't grown(I think it started shrinking a bit I'm not sure)it's very soft almost like fat,it's mobile etc. so I know it's propably nothing serious but I can't help but thinking that it's either lymphoma or leukemia,I check my temperature 3 times a day,I actually thought that our thermometer was broken at some point so I went and bought one at 2 in the morning and took my temperature while I was out drinking!!
I don't know what that thing is,maybe it's deep folliculitis since it manifested along with the pimple(I still get them,i had a very painfull one couple of days ago)it's propably a harmless lymph node,but the fact that it's not going away really scares me,I can't stop thinking about it,I've read in some websites that it goes away within a few weeks,others say months or even never(I hate the internet,webmd has ruined me).
I'm stressed about other unrelated issues and I think that my health phobias are way for it to manifest.I don't know,I hope it goes away(both that thing in my armpit and the fear)
Anyway,sorry for the loooong post,just needed to get it off my chest(which I regularly check for tumors:whistles:)

PS I'm 25 and perfectly healthy,I had blood tests about a month ago

10-06-18, 18:35
I find the less I have to do the more anxious I am. I have to stay busy and have things going or I’m not good anxiety wise. That being said, I have to make sure I eat and sleep good while doing that or I’m a mess. I’m finding myself in a lull right now so I have heightened anxiety. I also get high anxiety when I stress and we are about a month away from my mom being scanned for her three year melanoma check (she’s been NED) so I always get anxious towards her appointments.