View Full Version : my son has swollen glands

26-07-07, 07:58
hi every1

i havent posted in a while as ive been doing really well managing my anxiety, anyway about a month ago my 2 year old woke up with 2 massive glands up on his neck, 1 either side. i took him to the drs and he said it was viral and they would go down, 1 completly went the other had gone down but not gone, anyway on tues he had a high temp and feel asleep early and then when he woke the glands were up again,. the one that had gone is now huge. i took him to the dr again yesterday who has given him antibiotics as he is hot and unwell so looks like an infection, and that causes the glands to come up. anyway im so scared he has that cancer that blocks the glands and thats why they r up, has any1 else had glands up like this? or kids?
when the calpol kicks in he is fine and just seems poorly when the temp comes up.

please help
leanne xx

26-07-07, 09:58
Hiya Leanne,

I do understand how you feel. My eldest son (5yrs) last year had a lot of viruses and he had a gland up in his neck that was the size of a large marble, it was sticking out and very visable. I took him to the Gp and she refered him for a blood test. to rule out any childhood cancers. Thankfully all was fine.

She wasn't my usual GP, when I saw my usual GP he said that glands come up when the body is fighting infection and they wouldn't come up and down if the child had cancer. Everyone has a primary gland and in my sons case its the one at the side of his neck.

I wouldn't worry, his glands will swell if he is unwell and children get ill all the time, my 3 are always picking up something and passing it around. If your GP was concerned he would do a simple blood count but it doesn't sound like your son needs one.

26-07-07, 10:34
i can feel myself gettin really anxious again, i hate it, i want my baby to be well. i have just googled cancers in the lymph nodes he dosnt have any symptoms apart from the swollen glands but i feel really shaky!! god i hate this

leanne x

26-07-07, 10:42
Hi Leanne,Cherry is right the glands come up when the body is fighting an infection.Best not to google sweety, you will make your self alot more anxious.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

26-07-07, 10:45
Awww I know how you feel, honestly I used to obsess that my sons had lymphona or leaukemia. If you want to pmg me I shall do my best to help you, I do know what your going through.

26-07-07, 11:55
hi leanne, i know your are freaking right now, but if you continue to google it, you are gonna make yourself worse and end up not focusing on your baby. i know that is a hard thing to do, as i used to have a medical encyclopedia until internet came along. but the experts are experts for a reason, and the amount of babies they deal with day in day out over the years they have practiced is massive. but the comfort is that they are there for you at anytime whenever you feel tou need them. so dont be afraid to get peace of mind by making another appointment. but the couple of times you have seen them thay have not thought it was serious. babies build an immune system, its not 100% operational from the word go, and they need to get germs and coughs colds and infections to create this.

dont worry hun.


27-07-07, 09:15
im still worring, but im sure that this is coming from his ears, when i pulled his t shirt on he screamed he said his ear hurt, when i pressed it he said it was sore, so maybe it needs to pop. ahh bless him, sounds wierd but im happy his ear hurts atleast it explains the glands.

leanne x

27-07-07, 14:34
I know what you mean, it will be to do with his ear.My boys get so many infections and their glands raise, its their immune system building up so catching all of these infections is actually a good thing in the long run.