View Full Version : Rapid Weight Loss

10-06-18, 18:57
Hi All

So I have GAD, HA, Panic Disorder and a touch of Social Anxiety.
I started a new job in December. It is physically active and stressful (Veterinary Nurse).
I have been walking more (to and from work, about 30 mins each way) compared to driving to and from work before.
I have had a few days where my step count recently is over 12000, and every day is around 7000/8000.
I am eating better but have been a fair while.

My anxiety is at it's worse ever. I am constantly in a state of high anxiety and having a few panic attacks a day.

However my worry is. I have lost 7kgs in what I think is about a month.....
I am a bit overweight and was 106kg (I am stocky so it's not that I'm obsese)
But I've dropped to 99kg in what seems like a very short period of time.
I'm telling myself it's the anxiety, because the walking and better eating has been going on for 7 months+
I've lost 2kg in a week as well.

Sorry it's all in KG's. What I'm used to as that's what we weight our patients in ;)

Trying to not panic as I type because obviously I'm adamant I'm going to die...…

10-06-18, 19:23
That is not anywhere near rapid weight loss. Especially for the activity level you have. Add to that your anxiety. And finally add to that your weight can fluctuate up to five pounds per day in either direction based on water retention alone, you should not worry about that at all.

You should be celebrating that, not worrying about it.

11-06-18, 11:15
Thankyou. I kinda get it. I just got on scales and I haven't eaten breakfast today and not drank much water. I have lost 2kgs apparently since last night! So I think scales are duff or i'm just fluctuating like mad.
I am happy I'm losing weight but confused why it's happening suddenly but not since the changes in December.
Thankyou for your reply :)

11-06-18, 12:12
Hi Golbez I wouldn't be particulary worried about the weight loss it's not as though you are skin and bone! I prefer weight in st/lbs/oz's lol and I know 2Kg's are about 4.4lbs so it's easily converted. and learnt some rhymes at school 2lbs of Jam weigh a Kg. A litre of water is a pint and 3/4, and a metre you see is a yard + 3" You have a cool job working with animals bet that helps takes your mind off things ;) I may be picking your brain about my dog lol ATB

11-06-18, 13:18
Thankyou. I kinda get it. I just got on scales and I haven't eaten breakfast today and not drank much water. I have lost 2kgs apparently since last night! So I think scales are duff or i'm just fluctuating like mad.
I am happy I'm losing weight but confused why it's happening suddenly but not since the changes in December.
Thankyou for your reply :)

Weight is one of my many worries of late.

I'm usually 144-150lbs, so when I hit 140lbs one morning I naturally thought the worst. :wacko:

I've noticed my weight fluctuates by what seems to be a lot too. Like one day the other week I was 140lbs in the morning, then later that same day I was 149lbs.

I also noticed my scales are not very reliable either. I got a 140lbs reading one time, thought "oh no!", moved the scales, reset them, and weighed in at 145lbs. :shrug:

11-06-18, 14:05
Weight is one of my many worries of late.

I'm usually 144-150lbs, so when I hit 140lbs one morning I naturally thought the worst. :wacko:

I've noticed my weight fluctuates by what seems to be a lot too. Like one day the other week I was 140lbs in the morning, then later that same day I was 149lbs.

I also noticed my scales are not very reliable either. I got a 140lbs reading one time, thought "oh no!", moved the scales, reset them, and weighed in at 145lbs. :shrug:Well It shouldn't be not 4 or 5 or even 7lbs wouldn't be a worry to me if the fluctuations are say 14lbs regularly then yeah there could well be a issue but there clearly isn't a issue with your weight :) ATB

08-02-19, 16:22
If I were in your place, I would not worry about losing weight. You lose weight because you move a lot every day and eat well. Moreover, due to constant anxiety, this process is accelerated. So do not worry and everything will be fine.

08-02-19, 16:26
I wouldn’t worry that’s not rapid weight loss given you work a very active job and walk a lot the weight is bound to come off. If you had a sedentary lifestyle I’d question it but factor in your lifestyle, job and the fact that you’ve also got anxiety will contribute to this.

10-02-19, 04:03
If you've been overweight and started doing all that you will lose weight faster as a lot of it is your body flushing out excess fluids it's been storing and your muscles using energy to work which speeds up your metabolism thus burning the fat and such.