View Full Version : hit my head on a desk

10-06-18, 19:44
So..I'm a teacher and on Friday we flipped the desks upside down for cleaning . I bumped my head near the temple, like more towards the ear . It hurt a little then, but i just moved on. Now is Sunday, woke up in full blown panic what if i have a concussion or something ?? I didnt have any other symptoms, except a bit sore in that area when i touch it. Should i be worried? How can i calm myself and move on with my life? really need some comfort ..(((

10-06-18, 19:54
So... let's look at the evidence. Bumped your head two days ago. Hurt a little bit then. Forgot about it. Now two days later with no symptoms, you're worried about a concussion? Think about that for a moment :shades:

Positive thoughts

10-06-18, 20:57
yes i know but could happen anything bad from now on? I keep reading stuff about people having symptoms after like weeks or months? :((((

10-06-18, 21:01
I am sure you will be fine but we can't predict what will happen in weeks or month's to come and nor can you but it is highly unlikely you have done any lasting damage.

Just forget it now - you would have had symptoms if there was anything serious.

10-06-18, 21:18
Thank you for replies !