View Full Version : Losing weight too fast?

10-06-18, 20:33
I have been at a regular 164 pounds for the past two years. Here recently I decided I wanted to lose some weight and started walking 10,000 to 20,000 steps a day and eating cleaner. In about 4 weeks I lost 4 pounds and was super excited. After that my routine seem to go downhill. I was eating far less food (I would only really be hungry between 1 and 6pm), but the food I was eating was junk and my walking went down to anywhere between 5000 and 10,000 steps. I weighed myself 2 weeks later (3 days ago) and I was down to 158.2. While I found it a bit surprising I didn’t think much of it. The rapid weight loss came when I weighed myself yesterday. In just 2 days I was down to 155. When I worked out I felt super faint so I figured it was just dehydration and bad diet (the day before I was constantly on the go and the only thing I had was a slice of cheesecake, some pringles, and gummies. Terrible, I know, but those were my options). However, for the past two days I have diarrhea and gas along with acid reflux and different types of abdominal pain (both upper and lower). I weighed myself today and I was still at 155, but I’m a bit worried. I know things like colon cancer aren’t normal for a 20 yr old female, but my mind cont help but wonder. Has anyone experienced this?

10-06-18, 20:52
Sounds to me like the junk food could have caused the diarrhea.

I am not concerned by the weight loss or even think you have cancer.

See how things go but try and eat properly.

10-06-18, 20:58
You literally said you've been eating less. It doesn't matter what the food was. You're still walking and by doing so, you keep your metabolism up. This is common sense caloric intake vs. body energy consumption. Add to that anxiety and a case of mild bowel issues and here you are.

Positive thoughts

08-02-19, 16:35
You don’t even have a hint of colon cancer, but it became bad for you because you started to reduce the amount of food and for the whole day you ate the whole cheesecake and pringles which is very small for a normal person. You need to eat not only correctly but also to increase the portions for the normal functioning of the body.

08-02-19, 19:26
I can lose/gain 5-6 lbs in a day. 2-3lbs over a few days is completely normal whether you're dieting or not.