View Full Version : 3am awake, night sweats, rapid breathing

11-06-18, 02:33
Just woke up drenched in my sweat and breathing rapidly, also feeling quite dehydrated. Been having night sweats for about a week while being ill with some sort of viral throat infection. Now feel fine and the infection feels gone but night sweats still there. Worried there is something a lot worse... Can anxiety cause rapid/heavy breathing and sweats as you try to fall asleep?!

11-06-18, 04:40
Absolutely. I wake up with sweat A LOT. I used to wake up with rapid breathing sometimes as well. Basically it feels like i get an anxiety attack in my sleep

11-06-18, 08:22
Sweating whilst sleeping is common and isn't even an anxiety thing.

11-06-18, 10:08
What these guys said, and it's summer/humid/warm at night right now.

Also, if you're just recovering from an illness, that can last a few weeks after you feel better as your body does most of it's repair work at night when you're sleeping/not eating.

11-06-18, 12:36
Yes! I have trouble sleeping every day and sometimes I wake up feeling warm all over my body. It's really uncomfortable.

11-06-18, 13:04
I had the sweats for about 2 months, seems like they've gone now though. I'm sure that'll be the same for you too.

11-06-18, 13:58
As an aside, are you on any medication at all? I am on beta blockers for a heart issue, and they have caused me never ending night sweats...irritating as can be, but while people never consider it, most night sweats are not clinical issues at all.