View Full Version : anxiety depression and exams

26-07-07, 09:52
hi there,

has anyone been in this position i have convinced myself i am going to fail these exams i tend to go blank in an exam situation . this worry is making me feel ill my anxiety levels are through the roof . has anyone got any tips on how to get through this . i know i will be trying to keep the panic under control in the exam so my concentration will be shot to pieces



26-07-07, 12:19
Hi Sammie,

sorry to hear youre feeling bad. I'm just the same in exam or interview situations. Try and focus on your breathing keeping it nice and slow and try and have some time out just prior to the exam....like the night before do something you enjoy which might relax and distract you.

I find it useful to remind myself that the exam will only last a couple of hours (or whatever it is for you) and then it will be over. And remember that the examiners are not trying to catch you out or trip you up....think of it as an opportunity to show them what you know....and I'm sure you know more than you think.

Take your time read the questions and instructions carefully and as a back up I found rescue remedy or kalms (and diocalm! Sorry too much information lol!) helped befor the exam (but maybe try them out beforehand to make sure your ok with them.)

Hope this has been a little help....best of luck with the exams....I totally sympathise....I was physically sick after my midwifery finals I got myself in such a state.

let us know how you get on

luv Coni XX

26-07-07, 13:52
I found very helpful listening to hypnotapes for relaxation and confidence. Also, writing out a set of positive affirmations so when you think of something bad, you have something to knock the thought back with. Exercise is also a good way of freshening your mind and recycling your emotions - maybe go swimming or something fun and active to help take your mind off things. I also found some comfort knowing that other people in the exam will be feeling the same way too.

Best of luck and like Coni says, read the questions carefully


26-07-07, 14:56
Hello sammie!

I can only reitterate what Coni and Joffy have said.

I sat my IT exams a few years ago and felt like running out as soon as I got there - but once I'd sat down I thought well, I can only do my best. Going blank is one of my probs as well but I found by reading the paper through first, and then answering the questions I felt more confident about first, gave me more time to relax , then read through the others and think more clearly.

You can only do your best - and you may be pleasantly surprised what your best can achieve !!

Good Luck :hugs:!


26-07-07, 16:55
hi everyone

thanks for all your advice i will take it all on board exam days are the 14th & 15th aug so plenty of time yet to work myself up
