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26-07-07, 11:09
I know I posted the other day but im feeling bad again today and could do with some support:blush:

I am on 500mg of antibiotics for sinus infection (which has now gone I think) but I still have a dodgy left ear but no change there:winks: my cough is still lingering on but my kids have coughs. I just feel so so tired despite having 7 hours sleep last night, I have 3 kids and its half term so yes people are saying no wonder im tired but its not like that, im feeling weak in my arms & legs and just extremely exhausted, my eyes are heavy and I feel dizzy and weak:weep: its making me think alsorts, something wrong in my head, tumour, anurysm, ms, cancer or some sort..... im due a blood count next week to check my iron as I do every 3 mths but im scared now incase they find something is wrong. I feel so exhausted even though ive slept fine, why??? the feeling weak etc... is freaking me out.

My kids are 5,3 & 1, they are hardwork but if im getting 7 hrs sleep I don't understand why im feeling like this. Could anti bs cause me to feel tired? thankfully i finish them today. I feel like this ever since i started them.

Its hard not to worry when I feel like this:weep:

26-07-07, 11:19
Hello Cherry:hugs: so sorry you are feeling poorly.iI am on anti-biotics too.and they have made me feel rotten ..same symptoms as you,exactly!I thinkit can be the anxiety that makes us feel so rotten too hun..the fear of fear if you like..i have an ear infection..tho at one point i swore it was jaw cancer:blush: so this is how we go on hey hun:flowers: you WILL be tired with all those little ones ..and 7 hours sleep is not actually that much..at least 8 they say[mind you with 3 youngsters i remember that is nigh on impossible:wacko: ]Try not to worry too much hun..get better soon too:flowers: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

26-07-07, 12:08
THank you so much Paddie,

I am on 500mg of amoxicyllin, are you on the same ones? I feel so washed out, I mean totally exhausted and weak all over, my eyes are so heavy I could sleep all da. The anxiety gets me and makes me feel shaky so a vicious circle.

I feel awful this week and its hard to not jump to a serious illness, isn't it?

Yes with 3 little ones its tiring all day long, it really is. I am asleep by 11pm and awake between 4-5am with my daughter who always wants her dummy. Then I nod back off but not in a proper sleep after that but I snooze till 6ish I guess.

Thanks again.