View Full Version : Worried about partner's cough

11-06-18, 18:21
IPlease, please help me. I have been crying non-stop since morning. About 3 years ago my partner had fluid in his lungs. After many tests we were told it was from an atypical pneumonia made worse by adult-onset asthma. He recovered from the episode and was mostly fine, other than usual coughs and colds. Then a few days ago he developed flu-like symptoms. He's been coughing and has had a lot of phlegm. He also had shivers last night and a temperature of 99.5 F. This morning, before going in to work, he told me he hacked up phlegm which was coffee-colored at first and then deep yellow. I did not google but searched on here instead. I was aghast to find posts saying that coffee-colored phlegm is a sign of the dreaded C. I am trying hard to get him to see his doctor from 3 years ago, but he won't listen. He is only 42, and we have a young child. I am barely able to hold my act together because of my own anxiety issues, and now this. I really cannot cope. Any kind words are welcome.

I also feel like I may have brought this on us. I seem to have a morbid fascination with blogs about death and illness. And the past few weeks have been reading lung and breast cancer blogs and also blogs by people who are mourning the loss of a spouse. All this was before my partner's symptoms and I now feel like I have brought this on us. Please anyone?

---------- Post added at 17:21 ---------- Previous post was at 15:46 ----------


11-06-18, 18:51
Frankly sounds like some chest cold or crud.... not cancer :lac:

Positive thoughts

11-06-18, 19:00
Sounds like a normal bad cough to me and nothing to do with cancer.

11-06-18, 19:03
Thank you so much for responding. Sometimes I feel really alone in all of this. And it gets really difficult to run a household, manage a child, and hold down my job, it all gets too overwhelming. Thank you!

12-06-18, 05:16
Yellow mucus can be a sign of infection. My doctors always told me to monitor for that with my asthma as I may just need an antibiotic to clear it.

Not sure on the coffee coloured mucus but maybe a bit of blood mixed in with yellow making it brownish? Blood is nothing to worry about as it can just be minor blood vessels from coughing or inflammation. It can also be from the nose.

Increased mucus is often the case with asthma as it's the inflammatory response. Taking his inhalers will help him, some can be increased during times where breathing worsens like with chest infections.

Any wheezing or breathlessness? If so, it may just be the impact of the extra mucus but it's worth seeing your GP with the mucus colouring so they can have a quick listen and prescribe something or give advice on how to manage his inhalers if he is new to asthma.

I've had it since childhood and been through yellow mucus with chest infections so many times.