View Full Version : Please help! Anxiety through the roof. Stomach cancer fear and high liver enzymes

11-06-18, 17:14
Hi everyone,

I have been on this health anxiety spiral for a year and a half now.

In this time, I have worried about 15 different types of cancers. The worst anxiety and longest standing fear has been stomach cancer. Since February last year, I started experiencing stomach pain, nausea, reflux and excessive burping every single day. I also became pregnant during that time and it did not help my stomach symptoms. I am 6 months post partum and continuing to experience the same symptoms. The PPI I am on helps control the acid but does not help with the other symptoms.

During this time, I have had three endoscopes, a barium meal, a CT scan and multiple ultrasounds. They typically have come back clear.

My doctor has ordered another endoscope as she wants to make sure there is no damage being done, and that is scheduled for this week. I am freaking out as i am so worried it is stomach cancer. I also google hard to detect cancers and when the results come back clear, I convince myself it's that type.

Does anyone else get additional symptoms and feel like "it all adds up"? My liver enzymes were tested back in January and it was noted that my ALT and AST were a bit high. I do not drink any alcohol and am a healthy weight. My doctor monitored it and they continued to be high. However, my doctor reassurred me that ALT and AST are the "wrong enzymes" to indicate cancer spreading to my liver. I had an ultrasound done and they found an enlarged lymph node near my liver that was normal appearing. I lost my mind! I still worry it was a cancerous node. Since then, I had an abdominal CT scan that stated no abnormalities or enlarged lymph nodes and another normal ultrasound. However, my most recent blood test is now also showing elevated ALP liver enzyme, which can be linked to cancer spreading to the liver. I am in such a state of panic and don't know what to do!!!!

I do not have any serious red flag symptoms like vomiting, weight loss, progressive difficulties swallowing etc. My stool test indicated no occult blood and I am not anemic.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I can't stop worrying about that enlarged lymph node in January and now the elevated enzymes, plus my stomach issues :(

11-06-18, 18:50
I’m stating the obvious here, but you have to trust doctors or you’ll never get better. Based on your username, you’re 29 years old and have already had 3 endoscopes. It’s a little unbelievable to me that doctors keep feeding your need for reassurance like that. You have to accept the results and move on. All the testing you’ve had would have absolutely found anything wrong by now.