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View Full Version : 3 weeks off effexor and seriously depressed

26-07-07, 11:41
am in my 3rd week coming off effexor cold turkey, the first week was horrendus and the second week was really ok once all the side effects had gone but right now i feel so so so bad. wake up everymornig and burst into tears, the first thought that comes into my head when i open my eyes is..god how do i feel today is that misery still there? is my chest still being crushed and my throat still being restricted and the answer is a big fat bloody yes. i am depressed, i no that but for god sake i just wanted to give my body a break from meds..can i really only do 3 bloody weeks before i loose the plot again and have to go back on meds... is this is for the rest of my bloody life. am so sick and tired of this . have got 2 kids i cant just sit around sobbing all day over absoloutly nothign whatsoever, but at the same time i cant seem to drag myself out of it, can someone just tell me if this is normal, i cant remember form last time. will this misery go?? is it just another part of coming off the meds or do i ahve to resign myself to the fact that yes this si me and go back on the bloody thing??