View Full Version : Trying Not To Worry About Lymphoma - Cold Symptoms

11-06-18, 23:03
For about the past 4 weeks, I feel like I've had on / off cold symptoms. I'll have several days of feeling pretty normal, then a few days of feeling run down with mild sore throat / ear aches... rinse, repeat.

I'm worried about Lymphoma. I know persistent colds can be a sign of lymphoma. I don't really feel any nodes that feel larger than usual. I had basic blood work done about 3 weeks ago which was normal - just still slightly anemic from my blood loss I mentioned in my other thread.

Has anyone ever had cold symptoms that seem to come and go for weeks? I'm very worried. :/ Feel like I may have lymphoma. My wife has had a couple colds in the last 5-6 weeks as well, but mine seem to be lasting longer and never totally going away... improving for a few days then relapsing a few days, etc.

Also, on a semi-related note, I did see a therapist recently. I started on Prozac about 10 days ago - 20mg a day.

11-06-18, 23:16
Do yourself a favor, go back and read all your previous threads, and think about how many of your fears came true. That’s your answer.

11-06-18, 23:26
Did you only see the therapist once then? What was the outcome?

You don't have anything serious wrong so I won't address those worries as we have been here so many times before.

11-06-18, 23:52
I don't know where you are in the US, but by me, pollen (specifically grass pollen) is off the charts. I've never had seasonal allergies before, but I definitely do now. And it feels exactly as you described above.

12-06-18, 00:40
can be allergy. I've been having colds/chest infection or some sort and on antibiotic for now. I'm not sure if i have allergy too or not, but Allergy is very bad right now and my doctor said the symtoms can be similar to cold. maybe take Claritin and do nasal rinse twice a day?

12-06-18, 01:17
I’m in the south. Grass pollen has been high on pollen forecast. Usually my seasonal allergies cause lots of sneezing though, not a sore throat.

12-06-18, 12:08
I noticed you started Prozac. Just wanted to say congratulations - keep at it and give it time to do it's thing!

This isn't lymphoma. Allergies can 100% aggravate your throat. :) When I get seasonal allergies, it hits me physically like the flu, minus the fever.

12-06-18, 12:08
So my questions get ignored again - thanks

12-06-18, 13:52
I’ve seen the therapist once so far. My next appointment is on the 26th.

12-06-18, 14:29
Thank you for answering - so what happened and what did they say?

12-06-18, 16:01
Well, we mainly talked about my history and such since it was my first time to see him. Also, I'm not sure he is actually a "therapist". He is an MD / psychiatrist. I think he mainly diagnoses and manages medication. I think if I wanted actual routine "counseling" I would need to see someone else in addition to him managing my medication. So, we talked a bit about my history with health anxiety and when it started. A bit about my family history, as well as some about how the brain works in general. We actually did not talk at all really about how to manage hypochondria specifically, but again I don't think that is necessarily his role at this practice. We're supposed to chat again in a few weeks to see how I'm feeling on the medication.

I know I've only been on the Prozac about 1.5 weeks so far but overall I do think I feel a bit better already. I think I would be even more anxious before. I haven't noticed any side effects really.

Still not trying to let this lymphoma fear get carried away. Still feeling a little off today ... some mild earaches off / on and throat irritation.

12-06-18, 20:40
If he is a psychiatrist then no he wouldn't be treating you with anything else other than medication. A therapist or counselor would be able to do the talk therapy with you

14-06-18, 15:33
Ugh, I'm pretty sure I have lymphoma at this point. I felt a little better the past 2 days but yesterday afternoon the scratchy throat feeling returned and is still present this morning. On top of that, I haven't been sleeping well at all because the Prozac is giving me insomnia. Feel terrible.

I don't see what else I could have but Lymphoma at this point. I am almost at an entire month of on / off cold symptoms every single week. I don't get it. I don't know what other option there is other than Lymphoma.

14-06-18, 15:35
I don't see what else I could have but Lymphoma at this point.

You’ve said the EXACT same thing in many of your previous threads that turned out to be nothing. You posts/fears are extremely predictable as they follow the same pattern time after time after time. I hope the medication takes effect and you’re able to get access to the therapy you desperately need.

14-06-18, 15:42
Ugh, I'm pretty sure I have lymphoma at this point. I felt a little better the past 2 days but yesterday afternoon the scratchy throat feeling returned and is still present this morning. On top of that, I haven't been sleeping well at all because the Prozac is giving me insomnia. Feel terrible.

I don't see what else I could have but Lymphoma at this point. I am almost at an entire month of on / off cold symptoms every single week. I don't get it. I don't know what other option there is other than Lymphoma.

Cancer symptoms do not come and go.Allergy and sinus symptoms can mimic cold symtoms.

14-06-18, 15:55
Isn't one of the symptoms of Lymphoma repeated colds?

I can't believe I made it through all this EGD, ectopic pancreas, cancer scare and then CDiff, and now have lymphoma. I just don't know what else to do. I'm so tired and run-down. I feel terrible. I know I have lymphoma. I have had recurring colds for almost a month.

14-06-18, 16:02
Isn't one of the symptoms of Lymphoma repeated colds?

I am not feeding into this. You have a cold plain and simple. Cold symptoms come and go, cancer symptoms do not.

14-06-18, 16:11
Well, we mainly talked about my history and such since it was my first time to see him. Also, I'm not sure he is actually a "therapist". He is an MD / psychiatrist. I think he mainly diagnoses and manages medication. I think if I wanted actual routine "counseling" I would need to see someone else in addition to him managing my medication. So, we talked a bit about my history with health anxiety and when it started. A bit about my family history, as well as some about how the brain works in general. We actually did not talk at all really about how to manage hypochondria specifically, but again I don't think that is necessarily his role at this practice. We're supposed to chat again in a few weeks to see how I'm feeling on the medication.

I know I've only been on the Prozac about 1.5 weeks so far but overall I do think I feel a bit better already. I think I would be even more anxious before. I haven't noticed any side effects really.

Still not trying to let this lymphoma fear get carried away. Still feeling a little off today ... some mild earaches off / on and throat irritation.

^ remember that guy? He may be back tomorrow.

Meds can be an up & down experience. This med takes 5 weeks just to stabilise due to the long half life.

So it may take time yet and then there is dose adjustment possibilities.

I know it's hard when you drift back into the bad cycles but having evidence of feeling better is a good indication you can get that back again.

Please try not to feed a spiral. I know it's too early to expect progress but if you can stop it starting, try too.

14-06-18, 16:14
I can't ignore legitimate health symptoms though. I think most doctors would agree if you are having cold symptoms for a month you need to be seen as something serious could likely be going on.

14-06-18, 16:17
I can't ignore legitimate health symptoms though. I think most doctors would agree if you are having cold symptoms for a month you need to be seen as something serious could likely be going on.

Or you could have allergies....

14-06-18, 16:51
I can't ignore legitimate health symptoms though. I think most doctors would agree if you are having cold symptoms for a month you need to be seen as something serious could likely be going on.

Not necessarily. Many people have had colds last longer than a month. Sometimes they have appeared to go & come back.

My mum had months like this.

If this were true our surgeries would have been flooded over the last twelve months when we had a strain circulating that was doing just this.

So a few days ago when you posted you were feeling better you really weren't? Or was it bothering you less, as you even posted, and now you are back inside the tunnel vision?

14-06-18, 17:11
I was genuinely feeling better a few days ago. But then the scratchy throat feeling came back yesterday afternoon. I even felt pretty good most of yesterday morning except for being tired. The Prozac has caused some insomnia and the last 3-4 nights have been rough sleep wise. Night before last I feel like I probably only slept a couple hours... last night I tossed and turned a ton as well.

The doctor supposed to call in a sleep aid for me today.

14-06-18, 17:22
I can't ignore legitimate health symptoms though. I think most doctors would agree if you are having cold symptoms for a month you need to be seen as something serious could likely be going on.
My mum had a cough and cold from the beginning of the year right through until May and she is not dying of anything and nor are you.

You are going to be like the boy who cried wolf one day though.

14-06-18, 18:56
Incoming 500 post thread

14-06-18, 19:20
You are going to be like the boy who cried wolf one day though.

Mr Wolf emigrated due to health reasons :doh:

14-06-18, 20:42
I'm just so depressed and over this health stuff. I finally thought I was going to be healthy and doing good after my whole stomach ordeal and now it's just constant colds that come and go for a month.

I don't know of any reasonable explanation for that other than chronic disease like lymphoma.

14-06-18, 20:47
Loads of people have things wrong for a long time with nothing serious found. You have to jump to the worst scenario every time and you need to stop doing that.

How many more cancers are you going to think you have before you accept it is anxiety and work on getting over that.

14-06-18, 21:35
I'm only 32. If I was like 70 or 80 I could see getting sick often, but I shouldn't have colds off and on for a month, and it feels like it's been more "on" than "off". I haven't Googled much recently but from my previous lymphoma scares I remember cold symptoms that don't go away are a major sign of lymphoma.

Gary A
14-06-18, 22:53
I'm only 32. If I was like 70 or 80 I could see getting sick often, but I shouldn't have colds off and on for a month, and it feels like it's been more "on" than "off". I haven't Googled much recently but from my previous lymphoma scares I remember cold symptoms that don't go away are a major sign of lymphoma.

Again we see you display how bad you are at diagnosing yourself. Lymphoma doesn’t give you cold like symptoms, it can give you flu like symptoms, like severe weight loss, soaking night sweats, constant fatigue and very strong muscular and skeletal pain.

You have an itchy throat.

Stop it.

Oh, and for the record, stress and anxiety can weaken your immune system making you more prone to bugs and viruses. There, I just blew a massive hole in your “this can only be lymphoma” logic.

15-06-18, 14:47
Sore / scratchy throat still present today. This is really depressing me. I wanted to finally feel like myself again. Now I have symptoms pointing towards lymphoma. I can't believe it.

I've never had anything like this happen. I guess I should make another doctor appointment.

15-06-18, 14:54
Once had an actual cold for 1.5 months. The ear aches themselves lasted 3 weeks. I'm 28 and healthy.

I also had sinus issues for about 6 months straight, but it turns out the environment I worked in was disgusting. (Dusty, humid, etc.) Got a new job and stopped feeling sick

15-06-18, 15:20
Hay fever?!

15-06-18, 16:42
Hay fever?!

I don't think so. It's not like allergies at all. It's more just like a sickness. I know its got to be lymphoma honestly.

15-06-18, 16:48
I don't think so. It's not like allergies at all. It's more just like a sickness. I know its got to be lymphoma honestly.

You really have no evidence to back up that you have lymphoma. Just like you had no evidence to back up you had other cancers in others posts. Stop wih this nonsense. It is actually offensive to people like me whom have family fighting cancer right now.

15-06-18, 17:35
You were just in the hospital! Do you think they missed your raging case of lymphoma while you were there? This is ridiculous. I feel sorry for your family.

15-06-18, 17:39
I didn’t have lymphoma symptoms then. The lymphoma symptoms started about a month after I was in the hospital. I had two CT scans recently as well so this could have caused the lymphoma I’m afraid.

15-06-18, 17:44
How is your grandfather, darkside?

15-06-18, 17:48
That's not how it works. Your blood work would have been off a month ago if you now have symptomatic lymphoma. Plus you have no swollen nodes even. Go so something fun and take some vitamins. You're fine.

15-06-18, 17:51
You really have no evidence to back up that you have lymphoma. Just like you had no evidence to back up you had other cancers in others posts. Stop wih this nonsense. It is actually offensive to people like me whom have family fighting cancer right now.

I get what you're saying, but do you not understand what health anxiety is? Of course the guy is saying and thinking totally irrational stuff but unfortunately that is what it does to you - everyone around you can see it logically but you can't.

Trying to guilt a person who feels this way isn't the best way to respond, it will just alienate them from a source of help or venting. Also telling them to 'just stop'. It's a very distressing place to be emotionally.

---------- Post added at 17:51 ---------- Previous post was at 17:51 ----------

<admin removal>

This however is interesting...

15-06-18, 20:19
How is your grandfather, darkside?

He passed away a few days before I was in the hospital in April.

---------- Post added at 14:19 ---------- Previous post was at 14:18 ----------

That's not how it works. Your blood work would have been off a month ago if you now have symptomatic lymphoma. Plus you have no swollen nodes even. Go so something fun and take some vitamins. You're fine.

That sounds nice but I don't actually feel physically up to doing anything fun. I feel sick.

15-06-18, 21:05
He passed away a few days before I was in the hospital in April.

---------- Post added at 14:19 ---------- Previous post was at 14:18 ----------

That sounds nice but I don't actually feel physically up to doing anything fun. I feel sick.

You feel sick because you have a cold/allergies.

15-06-18, 21:23
You feel sick because you have a cold/allergies.

I know, but I think the question in my mind is why do I have my like 4th cold in 4 weeks? Why do I keep getting recurring colds when I'm otherwise healthy. This is a sign of lymphoma as far as I know.

15-06-18, 21:32
I know, but I think the question in my mind is why do I have my like 4th cold in 4 weeks? Why do I keep getting recurring colds when I'm otherwise healthy. This is a sign of lymphoma as far as I know.

It's a cold...they can happen multiple times. My husband has had tons of colds in the last few weeks.

15-06-18, 22:25
I’ve had anxiety and stress for 5 years and never had this many colds in one month.

Gary A
15-06-18, 22:30
I’ve had anxiety and stress for 5 years and never had this many colds in one month.


You’ve had anxiety and stress for 5 years but you’ve only seen a therapist once? Seems legit.

16-06-18, 02:46
I know its got to be lymphoma honestly.

I'm afraid you have rendered this phrase meaningless and hollow. You repeat it adding a different "terminal" illness every time - as if you're working your way through a medical dictionary. Very morbid business.

You admit to having bad "hypochondria" or HA yet do very little about treating it. In fact, you appear to have had more life-threatening illnesses than actual "therapy" sessions :lac:

16-06-18, 02:48
How don’t you learn? You turn up with your latest conviction that you have some terminal disease, declare it to everyone (it always ends up with you 100% certain that you have it), pop in here every now and then to tell everyone why it has to be this or that disease, find out you don’t have it and disappear until the next time. You never come back and thank people for their support, acknowledge that they were right about it just being anxiety or worst of all tell them what you intend to do get on top of your anxiety.

16-06-18, 05:17
I know, but I think the question in my mind is why do I have my like 4th cold in 4 weeks? Why do I keep getting recurring colds when I'm otherwise healthy. This is a sign of lymphoma as far as I know.

Or a strain of cold that appears to come & go. There were plenty on here who had that earlier in 2018 and I heard people outside of the anxiety community complaining about it.

Like Gary said, stress impacts immunity. Anxiety disorders are stress on steroids.

16-06-18, 21:37
Thanks for the responses everyone. I truly hope it’s just a cold. Still have the scratchy throat this morning and afternoon. It doesn’t feel quite as bad this afternoon maybe but it’s hard to tell right now.

I’ve been keeping a journal of how I feel. I’m still about 75% sure it’s lympphoma. :/

17-06-18, 02:48
I’m going to the urgent care tomorrow. I feel even sicker tonight. I’ve been sick for an entire month. It’s lymphoma. I’ve given it to myself from my 2 CT scans I got around my stomach issue.

17-06-18, 08:54
Please remember Nic's warning re posting on contentious threads such as this

"and just for the record if I feel that someone is replying to a post just to have a dig or make a sarcastic comment I will start removing those comments and banning that member from the thread."

17-06-18, 11:27
Pollen in UK is the highest for a decade. I assume it's probably bad all over. Hay fever is not just sneezing. It can mimic a cold. Just saying :)

17-06-18, 14:19
I’m going to the urgent care tomorrow. I feel even sicker tonight. I’ve been sick for an entire month. It’s lymphoma. I’ve given it to myself from my 2 CT scans I got around my stomach issue.

And what is urgent care going to do for a cold/allergies other than tell you to rest and maybe give you allergy meds or antibotic

18-06-18, 03:41
Still a burning nose and throat today. Allergy meds and nasal spray seems to have no effect. This is so depressing. Going to make a doctors appointment tomorrow. :/ ... feel 80% sure it’s lymphoma at this point causing recurrent cold symptoms. I still can’t really feel any very hard or large nodes though... wondering if they are just where I can’t feel them.

---------- Post added at 21:41 ---------- Previous post was at 19:38 ----------

Is it possible my two abdominal CT scans in April causes me to have Lymphoma beginning in May?

18-06-18, 08:33

18-06-18, 15:22
Still a burning nose and throat today. Allergy meds and nasal spray seems to have no effect. This is so depressing. Going to make a doctors appointment tomorrow. :/ ... feel 80% sure it’s lymphoma at this point causing recurrent cold symptoms. I still can’t really feel any very hard or large nodes though... wondering if they are just where I can’t feel them.

---------- Post added at 21:41 ---------- Previous post was at 19:38 ----------

Is it possible my two abdominal CT scans in April causes me to have Lymphoma beginning in May?

Lymphoma is a type of blood cancer. You have a cold/allergies. I know of someone who has it. Having a cold was never one of their symptoms. But if you want to waste your doctors time. A CT scan would not cause blood cancer, that makes no sense.

18-06-18, 17:59
Sore throat even worse over night. Went to urgent care. Step test was negative and they gave me a steroid shot. Can't see my regular doctor until Thursday.

I'm basically 100% certain it's Lymphoma at this point. I have never been sick like this for this long. I'm so depressed. Can't work at all.

18-06-18, 18:05
We are not going there again with the 100% certainty.

I find this post quite offensive really in that I have just heard the news that a friend and neighbour of mine who has leukemia and already had 3 bone marrow transplants is now terminal with it and they can't treat him any further.

You do not have cancer so stop saying it.

18-06-18, 18:52
We are not going there again with the 100% certainty.

I find this post quite offensive really in that I have just heard the news that a friend and neighbour of mine who has leukemia and already had 3 bone marrow transplants is now terminal with it and they can't treat him any further.

You do not have cancer so stop saying it.

Very sorry to hear that, Nic :hugs::flowers:

I hope he gets all the support he needs as he goes through this awful time and the same for you. It sounds like he's really been through some tough times fighting it.

18-06-18, 19:58
Sorry to hear about your friend, Nicola.

I made an appointment with my regular primary care doctor. It's on Thursday.

18-06-18, 20:03
Thank you both. His brother was the bone-marrow donor. He is only 54 and will leave behind a wife and kids. Very sad. We grew up together.

Cancer is very cruel which is why I got angry - sorry.

18-06-18, 20:09
If I tilt my head to the right and lift my left arm up I can feel a small thing near my collarbone. Maybe a lymph node? It is probably a few millimeters in diameter. :/ Maybe that is a supra-clavicular node and points towards Lymphoma. I have felt all around that area before and never felt that one.

18-06-18, 20:51
If I tilt my head to the right and lift my left arm up I can feel a small thing near my collarbone. Maybe a lymph node? It is probably a few millimeters in diameter. :/ Maybe that is a supra-clavicular node and points towards Lymphoma. I have felt all around that area before and never felt that one.

You are going to feel nodes if you have an infection like cold or allergies. Stop the non sense. My aunt is fighting cancer in the same family as lymphoma and I lost my father in law to leukemia. Another cancer in the same family. None of them had cold symptoms. How long is this going to go on for ?

18-06-18, 21:14
Thank you both. His brother was the bone-marrow donor. He is only 54 and will leave behind a wife and kids. Very sad. We grew up together.

Cancer is very cruel which is why I got angry - sorry.

No reason to apologize at all! I feel the same way :mad: The blindness exhibited by the OP is not just frustrating but disrespectful to those dealing with the beast.

Positive thoughts and prayers for your friend.

18-06-18, 21:16
It will go on and on. Best wishes to your aunt and condolences on the loss of your father in law utrocket09 x

---------- Post added at 21:16 ---------- Previous post was at 21:14 ----------

It makes me angry too!

19-06-18, 02:58
Feeling bad tonight. Feeling like my heart is beating faster and my nose and throat are burning. I stopped taking Prozac after 14 days on Saturday. I’m wondering if it’s part of the symptoms of stopping Prozac or something? I’m worried it’s Lymphoma though. I don’t know what else it could be. I have ear pain in both ears too.

I can’t believe it. Could the sore throat and nose symptoms the Prozac too? The burning nose and throat irritation feeling started about 7 days after I started Prozac. I also had insomnia as a side effect.

I swear I think I can feel a supraclavicular node though. It’s quite small but I dunno. You’re not supposed to be able to feel them at all.

19-06-18, 05:03
Why have you stopped taking your antidepressant? Has your doctor advised this or have you stopped due to not being able to tolerate side effects?

19-06-18, 12:52
Thanks FMP

19-06-18, 13:11
It's awful news, Nic. I'd steer clear of this thread? It's only going to rile you even more?

I'm very sorry-you must be devastated.

19-06-18, 15:15
I stopped taking Prozac after 14 days on Saturday.

Why would you stop your med after such a short period? How will you get better if you keep sabotaging your recovery process?

One thing is for certain: you will not recover by constantly posting on here :lac:

19-06-18, 15:26
I was so pleased to hear that you were trying to tackle your HA with meds and therapy.

14 days is nowhere near long enough to give them a chance to work and chances are you are not even on high enough dose.

People who do not suffer from hypochondria still get the ill. The difference is they process the symptoms in a different manner.

I agree by stopping meds you are sabotaging your recovery. So sad

19-06-18, 15:36
Feeling bad tonight. Feeling like my heart is beating faster and my nose and throat are burning. I stopped taking Prozac after 14 days on Saturday. I’m wondering if it’s part of the symptoms of stopping Prozac or something? I’m worried it’s Lymphoma though. I don’t know what else it could be. I have ear pain in both ears too.

I can’t believe it. Could the sore throat and nose symptoms the Prozac too? The burning nose and throat irritation feeling started about 7 days after I started Prozac. I also had insomnia as a side effect.

I swear I think I can feel a supraclavicular node though. It’s quite small but I dunno. You’re not supposed to be able to feel them at all.

Again...you have a cold and/or allergies. It can cause issues with your ears. I really can't believe you stopped meds. Way to sabbotage yourself

23-06-18, 22:16
I stopped taking Prozac last Thursday after taking it for 2 weeks. A few days later I feel like I started having fast heart rate when going upstrairs etc... it’s been going on all week and I’m getting scared something is seriously wrong with me. Maybe this combined with my recent cold symptoms points towards lymphoma. Or maybe I’m losing blood somewhere and am anemic? Maybe colon cancer?

I’m so depressed and anxious. I know it’s Lymphoma.

---------- Post added at 16:16 ---------- Previous post was at 15:44 ----------

I feel like I can barely catch my breath. Maybe I should go to the hospital?

23-06-18, 22:27
Didn't you recently "know" you had stomach cancer?

23-06-18, 22:32
Why did you stop taking your med?

23-06-18, 23:13
What is the point of creating another thread? :lac:

23-06-18, 23:41

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

24-06-18, 13:40
Now my throat has a kind of tickle in it and I keep coughing. Coughing is another symptom of lymphoma. This is so depressing. I must have a large mass in my chest that is making me feel out of breath and causing me to cough.

24-06-18, 13:47
Why did you stop taking your meds?

24-06-18, 13:49
This is seriously so depressing. I haven’t been totally well in over a month. Now the cough has developed. I’m dying of Lymphoma like I thought.

---------- Post added at 07:49 ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 ----------

Because they gave me bad insomnia.

24-06-18, 14:29
Did your doctor agree to that or did you just stop? They can prescribe meds to help with the initial insomnia. What is your doctor's new strategy then?

24-06-18, 14:41
Hi Nic Having read the whole thread Iam disguated by the Op's replies I am sorry about your loss hun. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: To Darkside you have been given good advice by all the replies on here but you aren't willing to accept it so there is no reassurance from me as you wont believe it, apart from 2 Ct scans period would not affect you in any way but again you know best. Guys had to say it and it's my first and last post on this matter Thank you

24-06-18, 14:50
This is seriously so depressing. I haven’t been totally well in over a month. Now the cough has developed. I’m dying of Lymphoma like I thought.

---------- Post added at 07:49 ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 ----------

Because they gave me bad insomnia.

I'm sorry but that is a poor excuse from someone who really thinks they're "dying" from lymphoma. And as Terry says, did you discuss this with your doc? :lac:

24-06-18, 15:02
I am trying Wellbutrin now. I started today.

I am thinking of going to urgent care to see if they can check out my current symptoms. The shortness of breath and heart rate stuff continues and now the cough as well. Again, I haven't been totally well for a month now. Constant problems, mainly around sinuses and throat. It's because I think I have a mass in my chest from the lymphoma that is pressing on my lungs.

24-06-18, 15:17
Ok, I was concerned you had just stopped due to the side effects. So we can see you are actively accessing some help and it's now a waiting game.

Side effects of these can be intolerable so I can understand how it's not always possible to continue. The worst I've ever felt in terms of my mental health has been starting these meds.

As for the rest, you know the answer. Just like how those who raise a thread about currently having a heart attack know they really aren't. Someone seriously ill is already on their way to a doctor, not asking opinions on here.

As someone who has had asthma attacks (I wouldn't have been typing on here!) being unable to breathe is a scary experience. If something presses on your lungs you might find pain too, quite a bit of it. Breathlessness and being unable to breathe are very different in my experience.

24-06-18, 15:27
Just adding up my symptoms it seems to point to Lymphoma:

- Recurring cold like symptoms
- Throat irritation
- Coughing
- Shortness of breath

24-06-18, 16:07
Just adding up my symptoms it seems to point to Lymphoma:

- Recurring cold like symptoms
- Throat irritation
- Coughing
- Shortness of breath

You know what else it points to....allergies/cold/sinus. My father in law died of a cancer in the same family. You don't have cancer you have a mental health issue which needs to be addressed.

24-06-18, 16:13
WARNING: Sunday morning, lack of sleep, in pain ramble.

You know, I’ve stopped commenting on Darkside’s threads as it was extremely frustrating. Like others, I kept trying in the hopes that something would be the slap upside the head words that would wake him up. It just ain’t happening folks.

I’ve been on this forum for 5 years. Hard to believe. The forum deals with a wide and diverse population and variety of mental illnesses, and through all the reading of posts and subsequent research and reading books and online, I’ve truly come to understand anxiety as well as depression.

This forum is but a minute slice of a world with billions of people. One in four have mental illness. I truly believe that statistic is higher. Events in the world, as illustrated in the media, television, published and social, are showing people in a light that’s never been seen before. The vitriol and irrationality spewing from people’s mouths convince me there are sociopaths ready to snap and sadly many have! Now, I’m talking extremes here but you get the picture. The biggest issue is lack of awareness and help. It doesn't help that there's a stigma with mental illness.

My mother (RIP Mom) suffered with it her entire life. Add to that dementia prior to her death. She was in therapy from the time I was 12 or 13 and throughout her life. She had among other things, multiple personality disorder. I remember I came home in the wee hours of the morning after partying and she was at the kitchen table eating ice cream right out of the container. She happened to be on a diet and I said “Mom, what are you doing eating ice cream at 2AM?” She said in a weird kind of voice and not making eye contact: “Leave me alone! I’ll eat it if I want to!”. I was pretty wasted and I just was like “Whoa… she must be sleep walking or something” and went to my room. Growing up, I just thought Mom was weird sometimes. It actually turned out to be one of her many personalities. A stubborn little 8 year old girl. Her psychiatrist was brilliant. He asked to speak with me and explained everything and offered to see me to help me understand and adjust to what was going on.

Many here know I have physical issues and truly, especially lately, it’s been a struggle. My health is failing me. Each month, week and day something else seems to pop up. Same with my wife. I’m really seeing the deficits her illness caused. But we manage. We take our meds and go on with life even when it hurts. I’ve suffered from some depression. I remember the feeling of hopelessness that permeated my thoughts. I can equate it with physical pain. Both can be treated with meds and therapy. Note I said “treated”. Yes, you can be cured but in many cases, like with physical illnesses, things are just “managed”.

With the above in mind, I just finding it so sad :weep: So many here have suffered for such a long time. I see many of the same members from when I joined and there are many that have been here 10+ years longer. I’ve seen as anxiety waxes and wanes much like my physical pains do. There are good days and bad days (sometimes weeks, months or years). Sadly, there are some that are nearly incapacitated by their illness. The real sad truth is there are some, like my mother, that no matter the treatment who will suffer with their illness throughout their lives.

Truly, I just wish you all peace.

Positive Thoughts

24-06-18, 16:23
WARNING: Sunday morning, lack of sleep, in pain ramble.

You know, I’ve stopped commenting on Darkside’s threads as it was extremely frustrating. Like others, I kept trying in the hopes that something would be the slap upside the head words that would wake him up. It just ain’t happening folks.

I’ve been on this forum for 5 years. Hard to believe. The forum deals with a wide and diverse population of variety and mental illnesses, and through all the reading of posts and subsequent research and reading books and online, I’ve truly come to understand anxiety as well as depression.

This forum is but a minute slice of a world with billions of people. One in four have mental illness. I truly believe that statistic is higher. Events in the world, as illustrated in the media, television, published and social, are showing people in a light that’s never been seen before. The vitriol spewing from people’s mouths convince me there are sociopaths ready to snap and sadly many have! Now, I’m talking extremes here but you get the picture. The biggest issue is lack of awareness and help. It it doesn't help that there's a stigma with mental illness.

My mother (RIP Mom) suffered with it her entire life. Add to that dementia prior to her death. She was in therapy from the time I was 12 or 13 and throughout her life. She had among other things, multiple personality disorder. I remember I came home in the wee hours of the morning after partying and she was at the kitchen table eating ice cream right out of the container. She happened to be on a diet and I said “Mom, what are you doing eating ice cream at 2AM?” She said in a weird kind of voice and not making eye contact: “Leave me alone! I’ll eat it if I want to!”. I was pretty wasted and I just was like “Whoa… she must be sleep walking or something” and went to my room. Growing up, I just thought Mom was weird sometimes. It actually turned out to be one of her many personalities. A stubborn little 8 year old girl. Her psychiatrist was brilliant. He asked to speak with me and explained everything and offered to see me to help me understand and adjust to what was going on.

Many here know I have physical issues and truly, especially lately, it’s been a struggle. My health is failing me. Each month, week and day something else seems to pop up. Same with my wife. I’m really seeing the deficits her illness caused. But we manage. We take our meds and go on with life even when it hurts. I’ve suffered from some depression. I remember the feeling of hopelessness that permeated my thoughts. I can equate it with physical pain. Both can be treated with meds and therapy. Note I said “treated”. Yes, you can be cured but in many cases things are just “managed”.

With the above in mind, I just finding it so sad :weep: So many here have suffered for such a long time. I see many of the same members from when I joined and there are many that have been here 10+ years longer. I’ve seen as anxiety waxes and wanes much like my physical pains do. There are good days and bad days (sometimes weeks, months or years). Sadly, there are some that are nearly incapacitated by their illness. The real sad truth is there are some, like my mother, that no matter the treatment who will suffer with their illness throughout their lives.

Truly, I just wish you all peace.

Positive Thoughts Thank you for sharing this with us FMP I don't normaly do this but:hugs: to you and your wife what you say is so true especially the closing sentence my friend :) Peace as always ATB

24-06-18, 16:35
Thanks for sharing your heartfelt thoughts, FMP. I’m sorry I’m such a pain in the butt around here. Hypochondria is a terrible disease and has robbed me of so much. I don’t want to spend whatever life I have forever battling this mental disease. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I hope the Wellbutrin will help me turn a corner.

24-06-18, 16:46
I hope the Wellbutrin will help me turn a corner.

Wellbutrin is quite an activating med too, so if you find it interferes with your sleep, speak to your doc about giving you something to help rather than quitting. These meds can take up to 6 weeks (or more) to really start working and make a difference.

24-06-18, 17:00
Thanks for sharing your heartfelt thoughts, FMP. I’m sorry I’m such a pain in the butt around here. Hypochondria is a terrible disease and has robbed me of so much. I don’t want to spend whatever life I have forever battling this mental disease. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I hope the Wellbutrin will help me turn a corner.

You can start with simple steps such as saying "I am worried I have xxx cancer" or "I think I have xxxx cancer" rather than coming on and stating that "100% you are dying of xxxx".

None of your fears have come even remotely true yet you still insist you are dying of a different cancer every month.

Turn those negative posts into slightly more positive ones and change your outlook on life - do not be a glass is half empty type of person.

Small changes will soon add up to bigger ones.

I think the frustration for many is that you don't listen to what we are saying and ignore most replies and just post again and again saying you are about to drop dead.

Think seriously about what I have said please.

24-06-18, 18:18
Wellbutrin is quite an activating med too, so if you find it interferes with your sleep, speak to your doc about giving you something to help rather than quitting. These meds can take up to 6 weeks (or more) to really start working and make a difference.

This. Antidepressants make me hypomanic (i have bipolar type 2) which I can live with except the insomnia so I take a sleeping pill and solved the not sleeping issue.

24-06-18, 18:53
I think you’ve got a cold or allergies. I have both. I’ve had a cold for 2 weeks now, my symptoms are the same as yours.
You’ll get better soon. Please rest, drink lots of water. Warm fresh lemon juice and honey is great for colds.
Take showers or baths to steam out the phlegm.
Try some painkillers if you’re in pain. Or a one a day anti-histamine to see if it is allergies. Obviously check if these don’t interfere with any other medication.

It’s great that you’re on new medication. It might be useful to keep a diary of symptoms or feelings so that you can chart your progress.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

24-06-18, 20:15
Thanks for the advice everyone. Right now I still have the scratchy / tickly throat. It isn’t painful it’s just annoying and is making me cough.

Worries me so much that I have Lymphoma. I did go out and run today off and on for about 20 minutes and was able to.

I just want my throat to be normal so I can move past this Lymphoma fear.

24-06-18, 20:41
Thanks for the advice everyone. Right now I still have the scratchy / tickly throat. It isn’t painful it’s just annoying and is making me cough.

Worries me so much that I have Lymphoma. I did go out and run today off and on for about 20 minutes and was able to.

I just want my throat to be normal so I can move past this Lymphoma fear.

That's pretty impressive when your lung function is compromised by the mass in your chest?

24-06-18, 22:13
Thanks for the advice everyone. Right now I still have the scratchy / tickly throat. It isn’t painful it’s just annoying and is making me cough.

Worries me so much that I have Lymphoma. I did go out and run today off and on for about 20 minutes and was able to.

I just want my throat to be normal so I can move past this Lymphoma fear.

If you had lymphoma you wouldn't be able to run, let alone do anything else. Peope with blood cancer or cancer in general are usually pretty weak.

24-06-18, 23:51
Yeah, I ran to try to test myself. But, I still have a slightly elevated heart rate today. It’s so frustrating and depressing combined with the throat tickling and scratchiness. I’m trying to avoid catastrophic thoughts but I’m losing hope that it’s not Lymphoma.

24-06-18, 23:58
It is not lymphoma - read what I posted earlier

25-06-18, 00:11
Yeah, I ran to try to test myself. But, I still have a slightly elevated heart rate today. It’s so frustrating and depressing combined with the throat tickling and scratchiness. I’m trying to avoid catastrophic thoughts but I’m losing hope that it’s not Lymphoma.

Again you would not be able to do much of anything if you actually had cancer.Throat tickles have to do with allergy and sinus problems and nothing to do with cancer. I feel bad for your wife.

25-06-18, 04:52
Good work getting out for a run. What made you do it? Were you sick of feeling trapped in your situation or did you want to try to run? Both can be good motivators and wanting to do something is powerful as personal empowerment is rewarding (Dave will know this is on the Changes 12 Steps he often mentions).

If a condition is affecting your lungs you would soon see it when running.

More positive stuff is coming through from you (meds, the run) which is good to see. Build on this.

25-06-18, 08:01
Thanks for sharing your heartfelt thoughts, FMP. I’m sorry I’m such a pain in the butt around here. Hypochondria is a terrible disease and has robbed me of so much. I don’t want to spend whatever life I have forever battling this mental disease. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I hope the Wellbutrin will help me turn a corner.

Keep telling yourself that this is the real disease.

25-06-18, 20:16
Thanks for sharing your heartfelt thoughts, FMP. I’m sorry I’m such a pain in the butt around here. Hypochondria is a terrible disease and has robbed me of so much. I don’t want to spend whatever life I have forever battling this mental disease. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I hope the Wellbutrin will help me turn a corner.

Wishing you all the best, I understand the feeling of hopelessness.