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View Full Version : Anyone else feeling raindrop sensations on their skin? +Vent

12-06-18, 11:43
Hey, yet another post by me. My health anxiety has made me miserable to a point of not enjoying life anymore. I spend all my free time reading about diseases. Anyways, since maybe a week I noticed, that I sometimes feel like a raindrop fell on me. It happens in different parts of my body, lasts a second or two, and when I check, it's always dry. I also sometimes get a warm feeling above my right ankle that lasts a couple seconds and goes. I wouldn't be bothered by it, but the possible causes are what scares me the most. I don't know if what I feel falls under paresthesia/dysesthesia category, but I've done enough reading to know that it might be caused by MS or a brain tumor. About 2-3 weeks ago I also had tingling in my fingertips but it stopped after my doctor reassured me that it's probably nothing sinister and that I should up my Vitamin B12 intake. I have my neurologist appointment in two months and I'm dying of stress and anxiety. I'm only 22 and I can't enjoy life anymore. I feel like there's a serious neurological disease going on and I'm one of those unlucky young people who will suffer/die early because of this. I want to be happy again, yet I'm in this continuous cycle of finding a new symptom, reading about it, worrying, getting assured, overcoming it.

12-06-18, 14:57
I've had this sensation before. I couldn't find anything that really described it online.

I would have my hand out my car window and I would feel rain on sunny days. Like a drop or two. Same with walking around or just sitting inside or outside.

Only happened during periods of high anxiety for me. Last time it happened was 2 years ago, and I'm still alive with no current health issues.

12-06-18, 15:16
I see. Contrary to you I've found some things that describe it - paresthesias or dysesthesias, which are abnormal feelings like tingling, numbness and sometimes wetness. What causes paresthesias? Peripheral neuropathies. What causes peripheral neuropathies? Multiple Sclerosis and brain tumors sometimes. Of course there are many benign causes, but I'm probably unlucky.

12-06-18, 15:22
Or you're healthy like me. Think I would've noticed something after several years.

The fact that they lined up with my anxiety made me feel pretty confident that they were benign in nature. I've also had tingling in my fingers. Numb fingertips. I attributed it all to anxiety, as it seemed to be the logical cause.

12-06-18, 15:32
It seems like a logical cause for me too, especially that I'm going through the worst period of anxiety ever now. You brought me some comfort, thank you

12-06-18, 15:40
My trick is to do something I enjoy.

The sensation will decrease. It might not go away immediately. Anxiety seems to linger, even when you're not actively worrying. But a few less stressful days will probably make the sensation go away entirely.

The decrease in the sensation reassures me that it was anxiety.

12-06-18, 19:07
I get that quite often, so does my wife, who does not suffer with anxiety. I learned to blow that one off years ago.

12-06-18, 20:55
Yes, I get that too and have done for years. When it first happened I was completely freaked out about it, but that was probably six or seven years ago and nothing more has come of it.

14-06-18, 07:47
I am currently going through the same and stumbled on this topic while aggressively browsing for causes :D
I've had other paresthesias and dysesthesias as you name them for almost a year.
They haven't increased and have mostly subsided - though new ones randomly appear here and there, until they disappear as quickly as they came.
I haven't seen a doctor for a while - hate to be charged such a price for someone with a PhD telling me after 5 minutes of consultation that he has no idea about my symptoms.
This new "raindrop" sensation prompted some anxiety which is progressively waning through meditation and breathing techniques. That's what I would suggest to you...

14-06-18, 08:10
I have this once in awhile there are a number of things that can cause this, such as vitamin b12 deficiency, anxiety, pinched nerve, muscle tightness.