View Full Version : Trembling inside

12-06-18, 14:34
I wake up every morning trembling inside. It’s so scary. Currently I’m on 2 mg of Klonopin a day and I have told the doctor I don’t want to be in any more psychotropic medications since they don’t help me. They all make me worse! I I I eventually want to get off the Kolonopin sooner rather than later. I wake up trembling and wondering if this is part of withdraw. I’ve built up a bit of a tolerance to it The trembling stopped after about 10 minutes or so when I start deep breathing so I’m hoping this is not withdraw. This shaking has been on and off for months. Thoughts? How do I get myself to a normal state without benzos? Natural ways? Has anyone been through anything similar? I want to know Terri is a way out and that I’m strong enough to do this.

12-06-18, 22:18
Hi , I had and still have at times the internal vibrations in the morning, I think you are describing somthing similar, to me it feels like electricity flowing through my body making me buzz , one thing that does help is to tense up every muscle one by one , start at your toes, tense hold for a few seconds then relax , then move your way up doing the same on each muscle , it burns off the adrenaline, once I've done this I can usually go back to sleep for bit , it does pass I've had it for months and then it's gone for months , it usually comes at stressful times .
Take care .:)

13-06-18, 00:25
yes! Yes that’s exactly what I’m feeling. Do you take benzos by chance?

13-06-18, 22:11
I have taken benzos but it's been several years since I took them everyday, I now probably take one a week if im having a really bad time and can't break the cycle, I do suffer very bad nightmares and constant waking up in panic , I think the morning tremors are high adrenaline which burns off through the day , I can cope with it better now I suppose I've just got used to it , at it worst it was horrific I just didn't want to wake up , now it comes and goes so at least I get a break from it .
My partner takes benzos every day and if she does run out she does get more anxous but withdrawal is different for everyone, if you do stop taking them taper off over a long period cutting tablets in half then quarters , oh and we both agree benzos are not good if taken late at night they can cause very vivid dreams .
It can and will get better , take care .:)

22-06-18, 18:30
I took benzos once and had the most nightmarish dream I ever had...didn't even know my mind could conjure up such thoughts.

22-06-18, 21:30
I haven't been reducing my dosage in all, so I guess it's not withdrawl. Maybe just high cortisol in the morning? I started to catastrophize and worry that I have diabetes or something. I'm going to have a check up with bloodwork in august to make sure everything is okay. If only this darn trembling would stop!!!!!!! I plan to wean of Klonopin this summer( at least start slowly), once I've implemented all my coping strategies and such. workout regularly is on the top of my list---I just have no energy to actually do it. My doctor recommended the supplement SaME for anxiety. Has anyone heard of it?

22-06-18, 21:57
You don't need to be reducing your dose to be be in withdrawal. There is such a thing as tolerance withdrawal, where the dose you are on is no longer sufficient to achieve the same effects it originally did. This is why people on benzos need to take more over time.

22-06-18, 23:30
You really shouldn't be taking benzos long term. It just sets you up for a whole range of problems. Benzos should be used as sticking plasters in a crisis. It worries me how some doctors will happily keep prescribing them to people who need better help than a drug that generates tolerance and doesn't treat the root of the problem.

24-06-18, 03:28
I disagree. Benzos can really help and it is possible to get off them. You are scarring me unecessarily. I don’t feel much support from this website these days and will be deleting my account. It’s such a a shame because I used to get a lot of help

24-06-18, 04:12
EMom... Server is right. Benzos taken long term are addictive. Yes, they can help you through a rough spot but your body can build up a tolerance and you'll need more to gain the same benefit. Again, as Server said, many doctors are reluctant or refuse to prescribe them long term.

Psychotropics are a fickle thing. Klonopin is some serious stuff! My wife was on it during her illness along with Seroquel and a cocktail of other drugs. I recall giving her her meds and she was out cold within 15 minutes! My daughter is going through a rough patch as yet again, her doctor is switching meds (Prozac this time). As rough as it can be to find the right med, it's worth it as my daughter had many years with her anxiety and depression under control. It's just a shame the meds crapped out.

You've struggled so much in the time you've been on the boards. It just would be wonderful if you could overcome some of the difficulties.

Positive thoughts

24-06-18, 05:12
I disagree. Benzos can really help and it is possible to get off them. You are scarring me unecessarily. I don’t feel much support from this website these days and will be deleting my account. It’s such a a shame because I used to get a lot of help

Longer term use of Benzos is a known strategy, it's just that it's for psychiatrists in the UK and not GP's anymore because it's considered specialised (since it's more for the severe end). As long as it's done right the withdrawal will be managed by the psychiatrist.

We used to have a trend of GP's giving them out like sweets and getting their patients dependent in the UK and this class of drugs have ended up with a bad name. Restrictions on GP's are now 2 weeks.

I wouldn't worry about differences in opinion on here, as long as it's being managed by your doctor and they are following the required guidelines then that is what's most important.

---------- Post added at 05:12 ---------- Previous post was at 05:08 ----------

You really shouldn't be taking benzos long term. It just sets you up for a whole range of problems. Benzos should be used as sticking plasters in a crisis. It worries me how some doctors will happily keep prescribing them to people who need better help than a drug that generates tolerance and doesn't treat the root of the problem.

Not a single drug in any antidepressant class treats the root of the problem.

24-06-18, 13:01
I disagree. Benzos can really help and it is possible to get off them. You are scarring me unecessarily. I don’t feel much support from this website these days and will be deleting my account. It’s such a a shame because I used to get a lot of help

People are trying to help you here, though.

You have always said on here that you want to come off benzos but have you actually told your doctor this? He/she could then draw up a benzo withdrawal plan for you and support you as you gradually reduce your dosage.You know deep down that regular use of benzos will just create more problems in the long run and you must be anxious about this understandably.

It's very difficult to know when is the right time to start a new regime of addressing anxiety but you do sound pretty distressed to me and very worried about your benzo usage despite saying that they are helpful.

24-06-18, 13:11
It's a real shame that there aren't many effective meds to treat anxiety disorders, and benzos, with all their problems, including rapid tolerance, are still one of the most effective class of meds. Of course no med will treat root cause of problem, but in acute management of severe anxiety conditions, they are still relevant, with the proviso of being used "correctly" and under professional supervision.

24-06-18, 13:16
You simply cant rely on these meds for very long term use Ethan'smom with out looking at your full post history have you considered therapy atall as a top up? I know in the uk pharmacies can do a simple check to see if you do have diabietes could your local pharmacy do this for you? ATB

24-06-18, 13:24
Marie was using SAMe for her SAD:


24-06-18, 16:28
Hi there , I know you feel people are not giving you the answers that you desperately need but most on here have good intentions and don't want to scare you , not everyone who takes benzos becomes addicted just like not everyone becomes an alcoholic if they drink , or weed smokers going on to heroin , there is a lot of scaremongering especially from doctors , my doctor and crisis team pushed me to take benzos and sleeping pills because the antidepressants they gave me messed my head up , I took them for over a year and then got off the antidepressants slowly and only took benzos as needed, I didn't become dependent or addicted and I do still take the odd one , I learned to ride it out and distract myself at the bad times , I've also found when fatigue sets in it's better to keep going , excercise helps , it sounds wrong but actually doing more gives you more energy.
Two things my doc said to me that made no sense and he's supposed to be the professional, I asked for some diazepam because I was going through a rough patch ( one of many ) he said" no you are addicted and taking them everyday " I pointed out he prescribed me ten tablets three months earlier and ten doesn't work out at one a day for ninety days , he looked at his screen and agreed ,f**king idiot :D, he then said " the reason I don't want to give you them is Because they work " WTF ? So they gave me antidepressants that made me worse and constantly tell me to try others but won't prescribe something that does work .and I'm the mental one ? .
The dose you are taking sounds pretty low but the thing I found with benzos is what goes up must come down , right now you are like a rollercoaster when you should be like a train track ( does that make any sense ? ) your body and mind can make the the chemicals you need naturally but sometimes you need a bit of help to get you through .
It definitely can get better , take care .:)

28-06-18, 02:20
Hi - Sorry to see you go because this is a good site. And I'm sure that you don't want people just telling you what you want to hear. I think benzos can definitely help but I also believe that taking them with no end in sight isn't good. The previous posters brought some valid opinions and information that could be beneficial. So I agree with you that benzos definitely serve a purpose. And I absolutely agree with you that people can and do get off them.

30-06-18, 19:18
Mornings are always the worst for me in terms of anxiety/depression. What helped me was an SSRI and I don't have to use Benzos as often. Only for the very worst times.

I wake up every morning trembling inside. It’s so scary. Currently I’m on 2 mg of Klonopin a day and I have told the doctor I don’t want to be in any more psychotropic medications since they don’t help me. They all make me worse! I I I eventually want to get off the Kolonopin sooner rather than later. I wake up trembling and wondering if this is part of withdraw. I’ve built up a bit of a tolerance to it The trembling stopped after about 10 minutes or so when I start deep breathing so I’m hoping this is not withdraw. This shaking has been on and off for months. Thoughts? How do I get myself to a normal state without benzos? Natural ways? Has anyone been through anything similar? I want to know Terri is a way out and that I’m strong enough to do this.

17-07-18, 22:16
Thank you all for responding. You all have valid points. I do go to weekly counseling and I do believe that starting the Klonopin helped me in the beginning. The problem is I get extreme anxiety by even lowering the does a bit (a lot of it is mental, i'm sure), however there is the physical aspect. My doctor just prescribed Effexor for anxiety. I'm almost certain this is going to raise my anxiety, making me need more klonopin. She only gave me 10 days worth of Effexor (to see if I can tolerate it). Heck, I just tried a natural supplement called SaM-e and it caused a panic attack. It's a prescribed antidepressant in Europe, but sold over the counter here in the US.

I fear that I will need more klonopin since I've been taking it for 18 months now and counting! I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel like there's no way out :( so sad. Is it normal for an antidepressant to increase your anxiety before working?