View Full Version : Skin on right bicep sensitive

12-06-18, 21:18
Hey all,

Pretty new here, every day making many steps towards conquering this HA. I’m going into my fourth week on Effexor XR and a visit to the psychologist in early July. I do have a fear today. The skin on my right bicep is sensitive to the touch, almost akin to the feeling of a sunburn though not as severe. Anyone ever have this? It immediately triggers a fear that something neurological is going on (thanks Dr. Google! And yes I should know better.)

Thanks all!

13-06-18, 05:19
I've never had this but have experienced A BURNING pain all of meh body,neck,scalp, that was unexplainable a couple years ago even leading me to think I had meningitis! Your Brain plays tricks on you. I'm sure it is nothing to serious. If it gets worse, see your doctor. (:

13-06-18, 11:57
Thank you! :D It's already feeling better. When I stopped to take a logical thought process to it, it's below my shoulder which I've had some joint issues with - I'm going to assume it's just related to nerves around that area. I appreciate the answer!