View Full Version : Blister/bite on ankle

13-06-18, 03:00
The weekend before last, I took my dogs for a hike in the woods. When I came back, my ankle was itchy. I thought maybe a bug bite. Anyway, it blistered up and got really itchy. I covered it with a band aid. The blister has popped several times, leaking a yellowish or clear oily stuff. It doesn't itch anymore, but is still blistered. It doesn't seem real red around it or anything and doesn't hurt. I'm just wondering why in the world it hasn't gone down in over a week? My husband doesn't think I should go to the doctor, as it doesn't seem to be getting worse. It's just a single blister. Has anyone ever had anything like this before? Would you see a doctor about it?

13-06-18, 18:42
I saw my psychiatrist for a routine appointment today and showed her the bite. She said it takes awhile to heal and not to worry. She showed me a bite on her leg that was 10 days old and still red. Mine definitely looks worse though. Then I thought, how would a psychiatrist know anything about bug bites? Oh, and before I went to my appointment, I took a shower and found a tick embedded in my back. Greeaaaatttt...... Gonna be another thing to worry about. It wasn't a deer tick, so no lyme disease fear, but my tick bites usually get infection because I'm so allergic to them. At least all these bug bites are distracting me from my usual tailbone pain/ rectal cancer fears.

13-06-18, 18:48
Maybe because you had a plaster on it?
I’m not sure why it hasn’t healed completely yet, but I assume it’s better? It’s not sore or hot or red or bleeding or swollen?
Keep it clean and don’t touch it too much.

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