View Full Version : Freaking out about the plague

13-06-18, 09:01
I did something really stupid and read up on the bubonic plague last week for this project I was working on. I wasn't worried about it or anything at first and thought I could handle it since my anxiety has gotten a lot better. The symptoms include enlarged swollen lymph nodes in the armpits and groin. I was just lying in bed trying to fall asleep when my left armpit started itching. I scratched it and realized I had a small lump that feels like it's under my skin in the lower part of my armpit. It's not itching anymore but it's very tender to the touch and hurts even just from having my arm touching it. It's very small but I'm worried about it getting bigger and worried that if I fall asleep I might not wake up.. I am feeling nauseated now and my head is really hot but that might just be from the anxiety I am having over this. I have pet cats and mice and a hedgehog. My cats and hedgehog have had fleas before but they haven't as far as I know for at least two years now. I'm really trying not to rush myself to the hospital freaking out but I'm so scared that I might have the plague and it requires immediate treatment. I realize this sounds ridiculous but I have not had anxiety set in like this in so long and it's absolutely draining me. It's 1am here and I just want to sleep but I'm scared. What should I do?

13-06-18, 10:08
Do nothing you will still be here in the morning guaranteed :) Can I ask what help (if any) are you getting for your HA? This is where the 'actual' problem lies and this is what will need to be treated. ATB

13-06-18, 10:24
Oh no...BUBONIC PLAGUE too? No. Nonononono. Just....no. Your anxiety is running crazy.

What you should do? Listen to the voice of reason that tells you that you dont have bubonic plague. If not, you must seek help for your anxiety.

13-06-18, 14:34
I'm still going to therapy and taking prozac, but I think I need a higher dose because my HA is starting to come back full force again. I haven't been to a hospital over a panic attack since last year so I really thought I was doing better. I used to be so bad that people on here thought I was a troll. I don't want to be like that again.. I'll talk to my therapist and doctor about how I feel like my prozac isn't working as well for me anymore and see what they want to do.

It's the morning now and I am still here and the bump is still there but it's a bit smaller now. I don't feel sick or anything and I'm sure if I had the plague I'd have a fever by now since it progresses pretty fast. I'll mention the bump to my doctor next time I see her if it's still there. And I won't go to the emergency room unless I get very ill or the bump gets huge. I am not going to let my HA control my life again..