View Full Version : Strange symptoms at night

13-06-18, 11:24
Hi everyone! Few years i have strange symptom. Usually it happens after 1-2 hours after i start to sleep. I wake up and feel anxiety. 1-2 years ago it was anxiety that i have to put on clothes (it`s like i half sleeping) and when i started to do it, i woke up finally and then understanding of stupid situation :). For now usually i half wake up and feel anxiety, that something going wrong (loose something or something stay in the wrong place or i see nonexistent images, like at the middle of sleeping and reality). Who knows, or have similar symptomp.. Why it can happen?

13-06-18, 19:27
I have had that too. I’ll wake up in the night & have this feeling of dread or fear. It’s a common anxiety symptom, and although it’s rubbish - hopefully knowing that it’s just a symptom and it’s not something more sinister will help you to fight back.

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