View Full Version : Panic attack over potential stomach bug germs

13-06-18, 17:22
I have emetophobia(I believe this fear is way more common than I realise so incase anyone also fears throwing up/sick..this is for you and youll understand me).

Yesterday I went to visit my good friend who works for Emirates airlines. Few hours before I showed up she told me she'd been unwell when she was in America 24 hrs earlier. However, she said it was mostly a headache and a sick feeling..but..on her way home she sounded very healthy and said she was excited for the gig we were going to with our friends. I met her and she was very very well, happy, bright, normal..no signs of illness...she didnt eat anything all night though but drank around 7 glasses of wine and we had a great night. We shared a bed and she slept fine as far as Im concerned, no bathroom trips or anything but around 12pm when we went to get brunch, we got into her car and she quickly apologised that shed spilled cheese all over her car....this was DISGUSTING. The car was VERY much smelling like almost-fresh sick and I saw white stains on her filthy car. She knows I have SEVERE issues with this phobia which I assumed would que her to lie to me...and so I asked her outrightly if shed thrown up yesterday..she swore on her life she didnt and we continued eating. After the meal though, she went to the bathroom and returned saying "dont panic but..I feel sick...i dont think its illness as I havent had much sleep and I was very unwell back in america". I immediately began panicking and have been on and off for the past 5 hours. This to me sounds very much contagious and i sat in her gross car for a good 20mins.

Can anyone reassure me or offer me some advice?
if you are as phobic as me, youll know we cant stop thinking of the countdown....
P.S.-She mentioned last night that for the past 2 weeks shes not been "herself". I was happy to hear this as I thought her mysterious America illness may have been due to this weird "fatigue" she described but the cheese story and her feeling sick after eating really worries me...

13-06-18, 19:21
Isn’t it awful that when we have a phobia we worry so much about it that we lose all sympathy for others? I mean, your poor friend!

Anyway, the advice is to try and relax for the next 24 hours. Because if you don’t, you’ll get to the point where you don’t go out anymore. I know that’s harsh, but it happened to me in my 20’s and it sucks.

So, relax. And then get some help to get over this bloody awful phobia x

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13-06-18, 19:39
haha, I appreciate the honesty! youre right though, last night was the first social gathering I had in like 2/3 weeks purely cos I became very introverted this winter due to constant tummy upsets I had and I got very minorly agaraphobic..youre right tho', she was suffering all weekend :/

13-06-18, 19:45
Isn’t it awful the things we put ourselves through?
I hope you can use this as a step towards getting help and getting better.
Your friend is obviously concerned about you because she’s over-explaining everything to you already. You don’t want people to have to treat you like that forever do you?
You’ll be fine, and if you catch something it’ll be over quickly. I repeat, you’ll be fine

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13-06-18, 20:12
Thanks so much Scass.
Funny how the mind works - I had music on for the past 2 hours and almost completely forgot about the whole situation but now its in my head again...

Youre right tho - fear robs the best parts of life

13-06-18, 21:52
Music is great for the soul. Good luck [emoji846]

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