View Full Version : How long does it take for health anxiety to go away?

13-06-18, 18:18
Does it end overnight or does it take time? Ita frustrating because I just wish it would go away.

13-06-18, 18:35
Does it end overnight or does it take time? Ita frustrating because I just wish it would go away.

Depends on how hard you work on it.

13-06-18, 18:36
Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Positive thoughts

13-06-18, 18:46
If you don't actively work at it then it will never go away.

So the answer is it depends what you are doing to help yourself - if you do nothing then it may never go.

13-06-18, 18:56
I couldn't agree more on the other posts! It also depends how long you have had HA for and the severity of it and what things you worry over, treating it is a must to start recovery and it is treatable too that's the good thing :) Hope your recovery starts soon. ATB

13-06-18, 19:20
If you don't actively work at it then it will never go away.

So the answer is it depends what you are doing to help yourself - if you do nothing then it may never go.

Ive been considering seeingn a therapist, but I dont know if it'd do me any good

13-06-18, 19:23
Ive been considering seeingn a therapist, but I dont know if it'd do me any good

It's not doing you any good as it is now :shrug:

Positive thoughts

13-06-18, 19:45
Therapy is like any other health care. It never ceases to amaze me how we can worry about our physical well being, when it is our mental health that needs the attention. People will go to the doctor countless times in a year without even considering getting attention for what is really, genuinely sick.

Try some therapy, it certainly cannot hurt.

13-06-18, 20:21
Ive been considering seeingn a therapist, but I dont know if it'd do me any good Tbh with you, you wont know till you try and maybe a combination of meds. You do want to get better right :) ATB

13-06-18, 20:51
Tbh with you, you wont know till you try and maybe a combination of meds. You do want to get better right :) ATB

Ive been on lexapro for a month. IT has helped slightly.

13-06-18, 21:35
Ive been on lexapro for a month. IT has helped slightly.Ok combine it with some therapy too it could help a lot more:yesyes: ATB

16-06-18, 06:58
Anxiety and depression have been my unwanted companions for almost forty years now. I can go for a long time with relatively few symptoms when I take care of myself (eat well, exercise, and not overdo) and am on a good antidepressant. I went for over a decade with Cymbalta. Eventually, though, I either don't take care of myself or my antidepressant stops working. I then go to my doctor and we try a new med. If the new med works, I am up and enjoying life again in a few weeks. If it doesn't, we try another med or a combo of meds, etc., etc.

Until three years ago, it was pretty easy to find a medicine that worked for me. Something happened to my body chemistry, though, when I stopped taking estrogen after surgery for an atypical breast lump. My anxiety and depression became treatment resistant. After trying various meds unsuccessfully for a long time, I got discouraged and gave up. I tried to get by solely on counseling. That didn't work as well as I'd hoped. So, I'm back to trying medication combos again.

In a nut shell, my experience is that it varies. It can last for weeks, months, or years. Hopefully yours will only last a short while as this is hard stuff we are dealing with!! Kudos to you for taking steps to help yourself. That tells me you are going to be fine. :hugs:

---------- Post added at 23:58 ---------- Previous post was at 23:47 ----------

I forgot to mention that therapy or counseling has always been really good for me. Once I found a great therapist, I stuck to her like glue :yahoo: Therapy gives me someone to answer questions like the one you asked on this forum, helps me to stay on task, reminds me that I have at least one advocate, provides insights into my inner psyche that I totally miss sometimes, gives me hope, and more.

Like I said earlier, this is hard stuff we are dealing with. We need to fight it with everything we can.