View Full Version : Worried about veterbral artery dissection

13-06-18, 18:56
Ugh..I've had a sharp pain in my neck the last few days and I'm becoming anxious it's vertebral artery dissection. It's on the back left side, just below my suboccipitals. I also have had a headache the last few days (right temple).

I'm traveling to Chicago tomorrow for work and I want to do is go to my GP and get checked out. Has anyone struggled with worry before, and if so, how did you handle it? Thanks.

13-06-18, 18:58
Have you been googling to find this?

13-06-18, 19:00
I heard about it someway awhile ago and then yes, I did Google to find out more.

13-06-18, 19:09
Have you been googling to find this?

Ya think? :whistles: I never even heard of this before! Learn something new and extremely rare every day here!

Positive thoughts

13-06-18, 19:13
I don't even know what the suboccipitals are!

Anyway - I have had neck pain for at least the last 9 months and had physio for it.

You probably pulled a muscle or something.