View Full Version : dentist numbness still there 3 hours later

13-06-18, 19:10
i got a filling 3 hours ago now, i had to ask him to give me an extra injection because it still hurt. it is 3 hours later and it is still completely numb, it actually feels like its got worse in the last 10 minutes. I read online dentists can damage nerves and you can be like this permanently. I'm totally freaking out having a panic attack and crying thinking im never gunna be normal again. i dont know what to do.

13-06-18, 19:12
It usually last upwards of 4 hours.

13-06-18, 19:31
"The numbness should wear off in about an hour" was what I was told on my last dentist visit. 4 hours later I was still numb.

14-06-18, 14:41
My dentist can be quite heavy on the numbing agents, and I'm usually numb for hours afterward. When I had a root canal done, even my nose was numb;-). That was a strange feeling.

14-06-18, 14:52
Pretty sure it would have worn off by now but it would have been nice to get an update from the OP.

14-06-18, 15:18
I had an extraction and two cavities filled last week, and the numbness lasted about 4 hours - it's totally normal :)

14-06-18, 16:13
Even if a nerve is affected it can still sort itself out. My GF had that once and it sorted itself out after some days and asking for advice from the dentist.

15-06-18, 06:54
Yes, it can last up to 6-8 hours, sometimes longer.