View Full Version : Debbie from Suffolk

debbie c
26-07-07, 16:35
Hi my name is debbie i live in felixstowe i am happerly married to Steve
i have suffered panic attacks since september last year the last time i have been out shopping or anywhere was last december i get really depressed
as i cannot go anywhere i feel that i am suffering agrophobia because it has been so long since i last went out i am trying hard to try and beat this as i feel my life is flying pass and i am missing out i am on meds that dont seem to work when i am really haveing a bad day i take diazepam it works for a while but when it wears of i get the shakes really bad i feel as though i cannot win but i really want to beat all of these and get back to a normal life:)

26-07-07, 17:01
Hi Debbie
panic is scarey, BUT it/they can't really hurt you, it's just hard to belive that when you feel so bad, but have faith, things will improve for you and now that you have joined us you will discover you are not on your own, we all understand how you feel and we will all try to support you that alone can being great relief.
Try not to concentrate too hard on beating things but rather what you can do to help yourself, one step at a time, remember one step forward is better than none.

Sharon xx

26-07-07, 17:50

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

26-07-07, 19:18
Hi Debbie

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, you are among friends, im sure you will get some great advice and support.:)


26-07-07, 19:20
Hi Debbie

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

Have a good read of the website for some top tips on how to cope etc.

26-07-07, 19:34
Hi Debbie from Suffolk...


26-07-07, 20:49
hi debbie
welcome im sure you will find lots of support and info here.wish ya the best......Linda

26-07-07, 22:29
Hello Debbie:welcome:to you!

I'm happily married to Steve too!.......well, not your Steve - my Steve lol (they're lovely aren't they !) :hugs:!!

Wanting to get your life back is half-way there to getting it back :)

You'll have plenty of help and support here!

Pleased to meet you!


27-07-07, 14:04
Hi and welcome, I sure you will get lots out of this site, I know I have.

debbie c
27-07-07, 14:39
Hi thank you for your message its was really kind of you i am sure i will make new fiends its good to know i am not alone

best wishes debbie

27-07-07, 18:03
Hi Debbie,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

Pink Princess
27-07-07, 19:56
hi there and welcome to the site xxxx
love minnie xxxxxxx

27-07-07, 19:58
Hi Debbie, I'm a Tractor Boy but now in Essex.
I visit Ipswich regularily to see dad.

Hang on in there mate, you have Hubby and us guys here on NMP to help you through this tough time.

Dave:flowers: x

29-07-07, 18:34
Hi Debbie,

Welcome to the site. You will find many here who feel just like you do. You will get tons of support here.

Laura :)

29-07-07, 20:37
hi debbie welcome to the site hun my name is debbie ive had panic for 10 years now but been agraphobic for the last 18 months try to keep your chin up hun im moving to suffolk end of august xxx:)

03-12-08, 13:24
Hi Debbie,

I'm also in suffolk! Not far from Felixtowe!

I got a little agrophobic around 7 years ago when I walked out of my job, close to a nervous breakdown. I got over it by forcing myself to do things & actually ended up going to London on my own for the first time on the train & mastered the tube! It was aroud this time of year & it was snowing, beautiful, it ended up being a really positive experience.

It will subside for you & you're not alone!

Dee x

04-12-08, 15:21
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx