View Full Version : Small brown mark on upper right lip

14-06-18, 07:46
I've had a small brown mark or spot on the right side of my upper lip for 2-3 years now, as far as I can tell it hasn't changed shape, colour or size, it sits at no larger than a millimetre at it's widest, doesn't have undefined borders and has a greyish-brown pigment. That said, it appeared seemingly from nowhere and has been ever-present since; I can't shake the feeling that it's not entirely benign as it may seem. It seems every time I get a health scare that typically turns out to be nothing, I'll always manage to link in this spot as some sort of cause or symptom of the life-threatening ailment that ends up being nothing. I plan on seeing a dermatologist about it among other things, but does anyone have anything similar or any explanation as to what it might be?

14-06-18, 10:16
I've had a small brown mark or spot on the right side of my upper lip for 2-3 years now, as far as I can tell it hasn't changed shape, colour or size, it sits at no larger than a millimetre at it's widest, doesn't have undefined borders and has a greyish-brown pigment. That said, it appeared seemingly from nowhere and has been ever-present since; I can't shake the feeling that it's not entirely benign as it may seem. It seems every time I get a health scare that typically turns out to be nothing, I'll always manage to link in this spot as some sort of cause or symptom of the life-threatening ailment that ends up being nothing. I plan on seeing a dermatologist about it among other things, but does anyone have anything similar or any explanation as to what it might be?

Sounds to me like it's a shmeurve.

I mean it could be anything. Your skin changes all the time.

If it puts your mind at rest I had a new mole appear a couple of years back that grew rapidly, went black and then started bleeding. I was......very worried. I went to see a Doctor who told me it was nothing, then a couple of weeks later it fell off and disappeared.

Your skin has all sorts of things going on, and they're rarely serious.