View Full Version : Feeling warm an awful lot.

14-06-18, 10:09
Hello everybody.

I've let my mind wander and put together some incidents and am now starting to really worry and could use some grounding.

Several weeks ago, it was awfully hot, and after spending some time in a hot bus after being in the heat all day, I got home and felt dizzy and nauseous. I Imagine this was to do with heat exhaustion, and after sufficiently hydrating and cooling down I felt better, although it took a fair while.

That would be it, but I was recently on holiday, and yesterday I was returning home. I was once more on a very hot bus (and the temperatures over there were far higher), and yet despite being fine for the rest of the holiday, I began to suffer nausea and dizziness in the airport (even having to head the toilet because I thought I was going to be sick). I did manage to cool off, and felt substantially better, but even today I still feel a bit off, stomach wise and have had a tiny bit of mild diarrhoea.

However, what worries me is that both these incidents occurred within about a week of each other- and I'm beginning to fear that I am susceptible to this due to some horrifying underlying medical condition. I've avoided google, for now, but I'm not certain I'll be able to resist much longer- and to make matters worse, after just drinking a hot cup of tea (and I normally drink a lot of tea), I noticed I was sweating somewhat. I feel I should mention, however, that the night before I had drank an awful lot, and not drank much in the morning.

I'm beginning to get beside myself at the prospective fear of what could cause this to happen, and would really appreciate some comments.
