View Full Version : Frustrated Over Not Feeling Better w/ Low Anxiety

14-06-18, 10:39
Im getting..idk if its frustrated or concerned with how I feel and my health anxiety. I've had what I think are several pretty decent days. Low anxiety levels comparitively, little to no panic..and I just still do not feel that good, and tonight im starting to feel some of the anxiety come back. I will say there was a reduction in soreness, my shakyness was very bad the first couple days, it slowly got better, to where the two days before today I only had a few minutes where I felt something feel shaky, but tonight since I've been a little more nervous I've felt more shaking especially laying down like I am now. I gained some energy back in those days. There were improvements, but they were small. Im still not sure I could say I felt good or "normal".

I dont know if I am expecting too much to soon, but I feel like I see people who have anxiety or depression or whatever and get over it for awhile, they have some really good days or get a ton of energy and I havent experienced it. I got my acid reflux under control, I've been taking Zantac to get rid of the acid reflux, I'm on a multivitamin to make sure im not deficient on something, I'm just kinda lost on what I'll have to do to really feel good. I still had to stay in relatively low power mode to feel alright, I didnt feel like I could go out and play a sport, or do anything athletic without feeling awful again. My doctor has offered me nothing as far as ideas or help. So far tonight I havent even had much anxiety but I'm having a lot of shaknyess, just laying down here I can feel liky legs with that shaky/vibrating feeling in em...

Sorry for this long post but I needed to get out somewhere what im feeling/thinking with whats going on, and hopefully someone else can relate.