View Full Version : High bilirubin detected on blood test

14-06-18, 11:07
Hi all 😊

I recently had a blood test and all came back normal apart from bilirubin - mine was raised at 24 when it should be 21. Doc has requested repeat blood tests in 8 weeks. I’ve been googling and have scared myself to death! 🙄 Does anybody know if there are harmless causes for increased bilirubin?

Thanks, Louise.

14-06-18, 11:53
It can't be anything serious if the doctor is not worried and is prepared to wait 8 weeks to re-test it.

14-06-18, 12:41
Thank you Nicola 👍 Dr Google says it may be Gilbert’s Syndrome, but I don’t know. I’ve just started taking Sertraline, but doc says it’s nothing to do with that. Just have to wait and see what next blood tests say.

14-06-18, 13:12
Yeah Dr Google will also tell you it is cancer lol.

Try and stay away from google and trust a real doctor.

15-06-18, 19:47
Hi I had a blood test 2 weeks ago and all was normal apart from raised bilirubin but mine is higher than yours at 32. I was googling constantly to find out why etc. Doctor also told me it could be Gilbert’s Syndrome too. She said to have a re rest in 6 weeks (so 4 weeks from now)

16-06-18, 13:24
Thanks Mumzy xx It does seem to point to Gilbert’s when bilirubin is raised but everything else is normal on blood tests. The good thing is Gilbert’s is harmless 😊. I’m 47, so I would have thought I would have been diagnosed by now as I’ve had blood tests in the past (pregnancy, etc). We’ll both have to see what the next blood tests say. I’ve never been yellow, I know that much :roflmao:

16-06-18, 17:38
That’s one of the symptoms for GS isn’t it...yellowish skin! I haven’t either! I had my bloods done because I’ve had a lump by my collar bone for 3 years (had it scanned twice, apparently nothing to be concerned about) then I started itching a lot so I googled and it came back saying I have lymphoma! Scared shitless!! So now my bloods are normal apart from this one thing I have it in my head there must be something wrong! I really do my own head in!

18-06-18, 15:23
Ah Mumzy, try not to worry as your bloods may be normal next time. Let me know how you get on :hugs:

18-06-18, 15:43
Will do thanks and you too :)

18-06-18, 15:54
Will do! I have my blood tests beginning of August ��

18-06-18, 16:43
I’ve got to re book mine for 2-3 weeks time

23-06-18, 23:57
I'm going Monday to get blood work done because I found bilirubin in my urine on a test strip.

05-07-18, 16:04
So I had my blood taken again today (just 1 tube for the liver) and hope to get the results tomorrow

06-07-18, 13:52
So the doctor just rang me to say my bilirubin levels have some down slightly (from 32-30) but that’s still elevated (normal max is 22) so she said I have 3 options....do nothing, have an ultrasound or have a blood test to determine Gilbert’s Syndrome. She suggested I go for the blood test so back i go in the next week or 2

10-07-18, 23:13
At least Gilbert’s is harmless Mumzy. What do they actually look for in the blood to diagnose Gilbert’s I wonder? X

11-07-18, 10:00
I really don’t know!
When it first came back high she said then she suspects GS so why she didn’t just say have a blood test for GS instead of having the whole liver test again and now having to go back for blood test for GS don’t know!
Then I guess if it comes back it’s not GS she will then request I have an ultrasound so more waiting.....
In a way I hope it is GS as like you say it’s nothing major. Mind when I had bloods taken back in Dec my bilirubin levels were normal. Very confusing as I though GS is something your born with x

12-07-18, 13:00
I have had raised billirubins for over 20 years and a few months ago at the age of 60 I had further tests which confirmed I have Gilbert's syndrome. Not much I can do about it but it does explain my constant tiredness, brain fog and anxiety. I make sure I drink lots of water now and eat healthy foods that cleanse the liver.
Certain medications can cause a raise in billirubins so don't jump to worst case scenario.

04-09-19, 08:38
Hello, well this reply comes a little late but ... Just had my blood tests returned and all is normal in mine apart from the Bilirubin. Mine is 32 (range 0- 21). I fisrt knew of this 6 years ago when it first flagged up and then the Dr said some people do show higher readings and not to worry. It might be Gilbert's Syndrome which the NHS describes as a generally harmless condition. I will be having another liver function test in 6 weeks time to see if things are the same.

Cannot say this hasn't played on my mind ... it has ... because for the last three months I've had a pain in my right side. This is just a muscle pull ( obliques probably ) and is stopping me from being a very active mid 50s male. Working on building sites and driving a thousand miles per week doesn't help the muscle recovery. As you can guess I'm writing this to convince myself it's nothing more serious !!