View Full Version : 4 month Twitch

14-06-18, 11:55
My left upper arm started twitching back in February, other than a break for a week it hasnt stopped and it is really annoying me. I have been in the als hole but i have dragged myself out of it about a month ago. My anxiety over it is still high at times mainly due to the fact I have no idea what is causing it. I fear i have this forever, it feels like torture at times. I get other random twitches some times but they dont last longer than a few seconds so dont bother or worry me.

I have a neuro appointment next week but arent really expecting any answers.

Anyone else experienced this and was it stress/anxiety that caused it?

14-06-18, 20:34
Anyone else experienced this and was it stress/anxiety that caused it?

Yes, I did. And yes, it was pure anxiety.

14-06-18, 21:04
Did it go for good?

14-06-18, 21:50
Did it go for good?

Occasional twitch now and then, usually after football, but nothing serious. As soon as your stress levels decrease so will the twitches.

14-06-18, 22:18
I just worry as the arm is constant like 24/7 other than the week where it stopped.