View Full Version : Lymph node worries :(

14-06-18, 16:31
Hello everyone,
I am a 19 year old male, I am active, I work out daily and I feel generally fine. Although, I have had times of extreme anxiety and 1 panic attack so far. I have been able to feel my lymph nodes for as long as I can remember. But recently I have been playing with and examining one on the right side of my neck. Since touching it, it seems to have gotten a bit bigger and if I tilt my head to the left I can see it in my neck
Is this normal because of the frequent touching and the head tilting? Evem though I can see it, its still less than 1cm and soft. I have had tonsillitis a few times as a child as well as a few ear imfections and I have recovered from quite a bad cold about a month ago. Thank you everyone for reading

14-06-18, 17:22
Hi Nathan I know it’s easy for me to say but I really wouldn’t worry. I’ve had a lump just above my left collar bone for the last 3 years had it scanned twice. Then around Christmas til this day I’ve been itchy on and off, got totally freaked out it was lymphoma! Bloods came back fine (apart from 1 thing to do with my liver which I have to be re tested) I’ve also had a chest and tummy X-ray and that’s came back clear. I have a really annoying cough but don’t feel Ill so maybe that’s an anxiety thing?!
My 4 year old daughter has several lumps and bumps in her neck, has been seen by a doctor and he said it’s fine

14-06-18, 23:13
Thank you for the reply. You are right... a few weeks ago I convinced myself that I head heart disease because I get palpitations which ive also had almost my whole life and had checked. I guess if you worry, poke, prod etc over everything it can make it feel worse than it really is. I just find it strange how we can start to worry about things we have had for a long long time

15-06-18, 07:07
I totally agree with you, it’s crazy how the mind works. And can be very scary at times :(