View Full Version : Health anxiety and Propranolol

15-06-18, 13:50
My story is so long I wouldn’t even know where to begin. But in short I have been unwell for around 2 years now with possible IBD im still being seen about this. While I was really unwell with symptoms I began also suffering from terrible anxiety. On top of this I have tachycardia resulting in a resicukpis heart rate.

So.. 2 years ago because of all this I was given Sertraline. I took just one tablet and ended up in hospital for 2 days with tremors, having fits and my heart rate was 185 bpm , I really thought I was going to die.

Since all this my health has stayed pretty much the same in terms of feeing generally unwell every day due to stomach problems. And my anxiety has got worse than ever.

Every symptom makes me think I’m going to have a heart attack or become so unwell and die or that there’s something wrong and they haven’t found it.

I was informed yesterday by my doctor that I’m supposed to have been on Propranolol for the past year as advised by the cardiologist. Just picked up my prescription and I am too scared to take it.

I am tiny just 5ft and 5.5 stone as lost so much weight over the last few years. I fear that taking the tablet will make me really unwell or kill me - I know it’s stupid but the experience with the setraline has impacted
My life in such a huge way since the reaction that I am terrified of tablets I don’t take any pain killers even for a headache and up till now have refused my anxiety medication / depression medication.

I know I need to take these to help with my fast heart rate which in turn makes me have panic attacks but I am terrified once I swollo it I will have a horrible panic attack and convince myself I’m dying

Can someone please give me some feedback on how I might feel after taking it? It’s just 10mg twice a day as too scared for the 40mg they originally prescribed

Will I feel spaced? That makes me terrified... sorry for the long post I’m literally so nervous and scared and stuck between a rock and a hard place.

15-06-18, 14:09

You won’t feel spaced honestly and 10mg x2 a day is tiny dosage I am on 160mg for panic and anxiety - I had a similar experience with sertraline it was awful and then the same with any SSRI. So I can’t take them as they make me suicidal and just awful I was scared of my own shadow.

Don’t be scared of tablets/pills etc as many can help, propranolol sounds like a need to have with you rather than an alternative??

You could do CBT Or therapy for depression and anxiety and treat that naturally but if your ticker needs slowing down then propranolol will help

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15-06-18, 14:36
Thank you!!! I feel like such an idiot. Don’t know how I expect to ever feel better if I don’t try the medications but then taking medications makes me worse because I get worked up. It’s a vicious circle and crazy how I’ve ended up here.

I see the psychiatrist every 8-10 weeks about the anxiety but to be honest they’re not much help I try help myself by getting out for walks and mindfulness but when I’m not feeling good I end up bed bound then the mental health aspect creeps up again!

I’m pretty sure a few years ago I was perfectly healthy in all ways! How things have changed 🙈

---------- Post added at 13:36 ---------- Previous post was at 13:28 ----------

Ok I just swallowed my first tablet... literaly haven’t taken any form of medication apart from the odd paracetamol in 2 years or slightly more so this is a big moment. Fingers crossed

15-06-18, 14:48
Well done :-)great first step.

In the uk psychiatrists are just mental health pill prescribers you need a psychotherapist x

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15-06-18, 14:51
Yeah I find when I go they rush my appointment try prescribe me a thousand tablets but not interested in actually helping me get better or figure out how to improve. Do you get psychotherapists on NHS? I will have to have a look in my local area! Thank you for being online in my hour of panic ��

15-06-18, 18:21
Yeah I find when I go they rush my appointment try prescribe me a thousand tablets but not interested in actually helping me get better or figure out how to improve. Do you get psychotherapists on NHS? I will have to have a look in my local area! Thank you for being online in my hour of panic í*½í¸‚

No problem you can message me if you need any thing else. You can get talk therapy through nhs iapt services if not you can pay private x

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